Saturday, 15 March 2008

Too much free time...

So you've stumbled upon this, hoping for D&D goodies. Well I'll try not to dissapoint.

What this is intended to be is simply an output of my boredom and a collection of (mostly) NPCs, and some kit and what-not for Dungons and Dragons.

This started when I was browsing the website Deviantart. I'd stumbled on a half-way to decent image of a fantasyish nature and decided to save it. I subsequently forgot about it.

Some time later, I found I was bored and so went looking through my folders, where I found this image. I'd been in the middle of trying to think of NPCs for the D&D campaign I'm running and decided to do one out of this image, for a laugh.

And you know what, it wasn't a bad way to spend some time, so I did it again...and again.

So this is the result. Now there is one obvious question, I know you're all asking:

"Why not simply post these on the D&Dwiki?"

Well, I tried...but I'm inept. Yes, I'm afraid I'm useless when it comes to even the most basic of HTML, coding or I settled for this, where the most demanding HTML I'd be expected to do is an image tag or the occasional "href."

So, on to what you can expect here. I will be posting the image I used, along with a link to the image and/or the website o the author. Let me make this abundantly clear: -

I'm claiming no credit for these images. I do this in good faith to draw more attention to the people that drew these images, and to make the occasional DMs job a little easier.

This was something I did to pass the time and nothing more. Try not to take this too seriously. I know it's not terribly original. I was simply bored.

So, now that I've done all that, I'll be off to find the first one to post...

Oh, and since I'm so inept at using that damned wiki thing, if anybody wishes to submit any of these for me, by all means do so. All I ask is:

You credit me for writing the stats,
You credit the artist and link to them.

If these simple rules aren't adhered to, I will eat the heart of the person who breaks them.


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