Saturday, 22 March 2008

Cleric of Alessa - CR 9

Below is a Cleric to go with Alessa. He uses spells which aren't from the player's handbook, but I'm not posting them this time. I'm afraid you'll have to get the books or hope I've posted them somewhere else here.

I'm sorry about that, but I'm probably on dodgy terms with legality anyway and I have to encourage you to actually get the books. I can get away with a few freebies methinks, so long as I do it in good there you are.

Anyway, I've left the feats in so it should only be a matter of substituting spells.

Any spells with (SC) refer to the spell compendium, whilst (BoVD) is the Book of Vile Darkness.

Lastly, this is an original character, besides the obvious last-name reference. Alot of this is written in note form, understandable by, most likely, only me. I'd never originally intended to post this, but as it turns out none of the people in my campaign particularly care enough to look at this so they'll never know what's coming ^_^

There is an image to go with it, which somebody drew for me. If it's ever available, I'll post it.


Edwin Valtial

Created by Alessa from the wrath of captured men, coupled with her abberations.



Level 9

Cleric of Alessa

Domains = Corruption & Madness

Granted Power: Once per day, character can attack an object and ignore it's hardness rating.

Granted Power: Your insanity gives you insight. You subtract 1 from all wisdom-basd skill checks and all will saves. However, once per day, you can see and act with the clarity of true madness: Add 1/2 your level to a single wisdom-based skill check or will save. You must choose to use this benefit before the check or save is rolled.

!!!Feat [Level 1]!!!

Aberration Blood [ABERRANT]

Gain a physical feature that grants a racial bonus on one type of check;

Bulging Eyes - +2 on spot checks

!!!Feat [Human]!!!

Scavenging Gullet

Can get nourishment from eating any organic material. +4 racial on fortitude saves to resist the effect of ingested poisons, as well as on Fortitude saves to resist diseases caused by ingested substances (such as spoiled food)

!!!Feat [Level 3]!!!

Willing Deformity. Through scarification, self mutilation and supplication to dark powers, the character intentionall mars their own body.

Benefit: - +2 deformity bonus on Intimidate checks.

!!!Feat [Level 6]!!!

Deformity (Gaunt). Through intentional starvation and macarbe operations, the character is grossly underweight. He has a skeletal appearance and his weight is now half normal for creatures of his kind.

Benefit: - +2 deformity bonus to Dexterity, -2 deformity penalty to Constritution. +2 circumstance bonus on escape artist and intimidate.

!!!Feat [Level 9]!!!


His abnormal body has become more pronounced. He has grown membranous wings and is comfortable in extreme elevations.

He has a fly speed (with average maneuverability) equal to one half of his base land speed (round down to the nearest 5 foot increment). He can use his flight for a number of consecutive rounds equal to 1 + his constitution modifier (minimum, 1 round); between these uses, he cannot fly for 1 round.

He also has resistance to cold 5 and is immune to altitude fatigue and altitude sickness.

HD 9d8; hp 40/40;

Init +4 (+4 Dex);

Spd 30 ft.;

AC 14 (+4 Dex);

Attack +7/+2 melee, or +10/+5 ranged;

SV Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +10;

Str 13, +1
Dex 20, +5
Con 11, +0
Int 12, +1
Wis 19, +4
Cha 14, +2


All simple.
All armour.
All shields (except tower)


Dark, tatterd, grey robes.

Magical out later.


12 Class
6 Class


Concentration - 6
Knowledge (Planes) - 6
Knowledge (Religion) - 6
Spellcraft - 4
Intimidate - 4
Listen - 2
Spot - 2

Possessions: 12,000 gp in gear.

Languages Spoken: Common, Infernal.

Cleric Spells Per Day:

Domain Spells Taken - Corruption.


1. No Light (BoVD)
2. Slash Tongue (BoVD)
3. Inflict Minor
4. Read Magic
5. Detect Magic
6. Cure Minor


1. Sorrow (BoVD)
2. Cold Fire (SC)
3. Ebon Eyes (SC)
4. Faith Healing (SC)
5. Inflict Light [1d8 + 1/level (max +5)]

D. Doom.

1. Boneblast (BoVD)
2. Spiderlegs (BoVD)
3. Spores of the Vrock (BoVD)
4. Dark Way (SC)
5. Living Undeath (SC)

D. Blindness/Deafness.


1. Devil's Eye (BoVD)
2. Animate Dead
3. Masochism (BoVD)
4. Sadism (BoVD)

D. Contagion.


1. Claws of the Savage (BoVD)
2. Hell's Power (BoVD)
3. Wrack (SC)

D. Morality Undone.


1. Doomtide.

D. Feeblemind.


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