Saturday, 22 March 2008

Kagidan Deity - God of Violence.

Ok, last post for today. This is an original Deity, which I'll be using in my foreign pantheon. The pantheon is a hybrid of the beliefs of settlers from the orient and of african lineage.


Kagidan - God of violence and melees

Alignment = CE

(Represented by a vicious, snarling dog.)

[Domains: Endurance (BoED), Bestial (BoVD), Pain (BoVD), Suffering (SC), Destruction.]

Favoured weapon = Spiked Chain.

Endurance Domain

Granted Power: -

You can perform a feat of endurance, which is the supernatural ability to gain an enhancement bonus to Constitution equal to one-half your level. Activating the power is a free action and the power lasts 1 minute. This is usable once per day.

Endurance Domain Spells: -

1. Endure Elements.

2. Bear's Endurance.

3. Refreshment*.

4. Sustain*.

5. Stoneskin.

6. Mass Bear's Endurance.

7. Globe of Invulnerability.

8. Spell Turning.

9. Iron Body.

Bestial Domain

Granted Power: -

Character gains the scent extraordinary ability.

Bestial Domain Spells: -

1. Magic Fang.

2. Bull's Strength.

3. Greater Magic Fang.

4. Claws of the Savage*.

5. Charm Monster.

6. Hold Monster.

7. Whirlwind of Teeth*.

8. Spread of Savagery*.

9. Were-doom*.

Pain Domain

Granted Power: -

Granted power: Character converts damage that he deals in one blow per day in to healing for himself, up to 1 point of damage per level.


1. Angry Ache*: Subject takes -2 penalty on attack rolls.

2. Sadism*: For every 10HP damage caster deals, he gains + on attacks, saves and checks.

3. Wrack*: Blinds subject and renders it helpless for 1 round/level, then -2 on attacks, saves and checks for 3D10 minutes.

4. Liquid Pain*: Extracts one dose of liquid pain from tortured victim.

5. Thousand Needles*: Piercing needles deal 2d6 damage and target taes -4 penalty on attacks, saves and checks.

6. Pox*: One creature/level takes 1D4 Con drain.

7. Wave of Pain*: Stuns all within cone fo 1 round/2 levels.

8. Symbol (Pain only): Triggered Rune causes Pain.

9. Eternity of Torture*: Target is renderred helpless, ageless and has all ability scores except for Con drop to 0.

Suffering Domain

Granted Power (Sp): -

You can use a pain touch once per day. Make a melee touch attack against a living creature, which bestows on that creature a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity for 1 minute on a successful attack.
This ability does not affect creatures that have immunity to extra damage from critical hits.

Suffering Domain Spells: -

1. Bane.

2. Bear's Endurance.

3. Bestow Curse.

4. Enervation.

5. Feeblemind.

6. Harm.

7. Eyebite*.

8. Symbol of Pain.

9. Horrid Wilting.

!!!Extra Spells!!!



LEVEL: Assassin 1, Cleric 1, Pain 1
CASTING TIME: 1 action.
RANGE: Close (25ft + 5ft / 2 levels)
TARGET: One living creature.
DURATION: 1 minute / level
SAVING THROW: Fortitude Negates.

The caster temporarily strains the subject's muscles in a very specific way.
The subject feels a sharp pain wheneever she makes an attack. All her attack rolls have a -2 circumstance penalty for every four caster levels (max penalty -10)

Claws of the Savage.

Transmutation [Evil]

Level: Bestial 4, Blackguard 4, Cleric 4, Druid 4.
Components: V, S.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Touch
Target: One creature.
Duration: 10 minutes/level.

The caster grants one creature two long claws that replace it's hands, tentacle tips, or whatever else is approriate. The claws deal damage basd on the creature's size: -

Size Damage

- Fine 1
- Diminuitive 1d2
- Tiny 1d3
- Small 1d4
- Medium (human size) 1d6
- Large 1d8
- Huge 2d6
- Gargantuan 2d8
- Colossal 4d6

The creature can make attack with both claws as if it were proficient with them. Just as with a creature that has natrual weapons, the subject takes no penalty for making two claw attaCKS. The subject is treated as armed. Furthermore, these claws gain a +2 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls.

If the creature already has claws, those claws gain a +2 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls and the claw's damage increases as if the creature were two size categories larger.


Necromancy [Evil]

LEVEL: Pain 9
CASTING TIME: 1 action.
RANGE: Close (25 ft + 5ft / 2 levels)
TARGET: One creature.
DURATION: Permenant.
SAVING THROW: Fortitude Partial.

The subject's body is wisted and warped, wracked forever with excrutiating pain.
The subjct is renderred helpless but--as long as the spell continues--it is sustained and has no need for food, drink or air. The subject does not age--all the better to ensure a true eternity of unimaginable torture.

The subject takes 1 point of drain to each ability each day until all scores are reduced to 0 (except constitution, which stays at 1). The subject cannot heal or regenerate.

Lastly, the subject is completely unaware of it's surroundings, insensate to anything but the excrutiating pain.

A single fortitude saving throw is all that stands between a target and this horrible spell. However, even if the saving throw is successful, the target still feels terible (but temporary) pain. The target takes 5D6 points of damage immediatly and takes a -4 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks and ability checks for 1 round per level of caster.


LEVEL: Pain 4, Sor/Wiz 4.
RANGE: Touch
TARGET: One living creature.
DURATION: Permanent.
SAVING THROW: Fortitude negates.

Over the course of one day, the caster takes a subject already in great pain---wracked with disease, the victim if torture, or dying of a wound, for example---and captures its pain in liquid form.

This physical manifestation of agony can be used to create magic items or enhance spells (See Pain as Power in Chapter 2 of the Book of Vile Darkness, or below.)
It can also be used as a potent drug.

Focus: A jar, vial or other container for the liquid pain.


Necromancy [Evil]
LEVEL: Corruption 6, Druid 6, Pain 6.
CASTING TIME: 1 action
RANGE: Close (25ft + 5ft/2 levels)
TARGETS: Up to one living creature/level, no more two of which can be more than 10 ft apart.
DURATION: Instantaneous.
SAVING THROW: Fortitude Negates

Subjecttakes 1D4 points of Consitution drain, Their skin breaks out in lesions and takes on a yellow pallor.


Conjuration (Healing) [Good]

Level: Apostle of Peace 3, Bard 3, Cleric 3, Endurance 3, Vassal of Bahamut 3.
Components: V, S.
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: 20 foot.
Target: 20 foot raqdius burst centred on you.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)

Refreshment channels celestial energy to remove non-lethal damage the targets have taken, including damage from environmental conditions, starvation and thirst, and related effects as well as damage dealt by non-lethal attacks.


Enchantment [Evil]

LEVEL: Assasin 3, Blckguard 3, Cleric 3, Pain 2, Sor/Wiz 2
CASTING TIME: 1 action.
RANGE: Personal
TARGET: Caster (Self)
DURATION: 1 round/level.

For every 10 points of dage the caster deals in a given round whilst under the effect of this spell, she gains a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, saving throws and skillchecks in the next round. The more damage the caster deals, the greater the luck bonus.
It's possible to get a luck bonus for multiple rounds if she deals damage in more than one round during the spell's duration.

Material Components: A leather strap that has been soaked in human blood.

Spread of Savagery

Enchantment [Evil]

Level: Bestial 8, Cleric 9.
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 hour.
Range: Long (400 ft + 4o ft/level).
Area: 10 ft/level radius spread.
Duration: 1 hour/level.
Saving Throw: Will negates.
Spell Resistance: Yes.

All living creatures within the area become hostile to anyone not affected by the spell, whether in or out of the area and regardless of alignment or former assosiation. They are likely to attack such creatures, although they retain their intellect and thus retreat or avoid opponents obviously too powerful for them to overcome.

Affected creatures are likely to continue with their normal activities until presented with someone not affected by the spell. Subjects of Spread of Savagery can identify unnaffected creatures by sight through an instinctive, supernatural snese granted by the spell.

Arcane Material Component: Three drops of brain fluid from a beast.



Level: Apostle of Peace 4, Cleric 4, Endurance 4.
Components: V, S, M.
Casting Time: 1 round.
Range: Touch
Target: Up to one living creature touched/2 levels.
Duration: 6 hours/level.
Saving Throw: None.
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)

This sell instantly releives the negative effects of hunger and thirst and allows the targets to go without food or water for the duration of the spell, suffering no ill-effects from the deprivation.

An affected creature can eat or drink normally without difficulty.

When the spell ends, the creatures must resume normal eating and drinking habits, but do not feel any adverse effects from the missed meals. The size of the creature is not a factor; a Tiny lizard and a Colossal dragon are both fully nourished by the spell.

Material Components: A flask of warm wine and a loaf of bread.

Thousand Needles

Conjuration (Creation) [Evil]

Level: Pain 5, Cleric 6.
Components: V, S, M.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Medium (100 ft + 10 ft/levels)
Target: One living creature.
Duration: 1 minute / level.
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial.
Spell Resistance: Yes.

A thousand needles surround the subject and pierce his flesh, worming through armour or any type of pretection, although creatures with damage reduction are immune to this spell.

The subject takes 2d6 points of damage immediatly and takes a -4 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skil checks and ability checks for the rest of the spell's duration.

A successful Fortitude save reduces damage to half and negates the circumstance penalty.

Material Components: A handful of needles, all of which have drawn blood.


Necromancy [Evil]

LEVEL: Bard 6, Pain 7.
CASTING TIME: 1 action.
RANGE: Close (25ft + 5 ft / 2 levels)
AREA: Cone.
DURATION: 1 round / 2 levels.
SAVING THROW: Fortitude Negates.

All living creatures within the cone are overcome with pain and suffering.

They are stunned for the duration of the spell. A creature with no discernible anatomy is unnaffected by this spell.

Material Component: A needle.


Evocation [Evil, Chaos]

Level: Bestial 9, Cleric 9, Druid 9.
Components: V, S, M.
Casting Time: 1 minute.
Range: Long (400 ft + 40 ft/level)
Area: 50 ft/level radius.
Duration: 24 hours.
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates.
Spell Resistance: Yes.

This spell must be cast at night. Lycanthropy infects 1d4 humanoid creatures in the area, designated randomly. These creatures immediatly change in to their animal or hybrid forms (their choice) and begin savagely attacking all those around them.

To determine the type of lycnthropy that afflicts a subject, roll on the following table: -

D% Lycanthrope Type

01-25 Wererat
26-60 Werewolf
61-80 Wereboar
81-100 Weretiger

See the Lycanthrope template in the monster manual for more information on lycanthropy, including how to cure it.

Material Components: A bit of lycanthropes fur or skin.

Whirlwind of Teeth.

Evocation [Evil]

Level: Bestial 7, Sorceror/Wizard 7.
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Area: 5ft/level radius cylinder, 10ft high per level.
Duration: 1 round per level.
Saving Throw: Reflex Half.
Spell Resitance: Yes.

The caster creates an opaque area of swirling energy in the form of roaring, screaming mouths of teeth.

Anyone within the area takes 1d8 points of damage for every 2 caster levels (max = 10d8) from the magically created biting mouths and tearing teeth.

The whirlwind moves as the caster mentally directs (as a free action) with a speed of 40 feet.

Arcane Material Component: A handful of bloody teeth.


Necromancy [Evil]

LEVEL: cleric 3, Mortal Hunter 3, Pain 3, Sor/Wiz 4.
CASTING TIME: 1 action.
RANGE: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels)
AREA: One humanoid creature.
DURATION: 1 round / level.
SAVING THROW: Fortitude Negates.

The subject is wracked with such pain that he doubles over and collapses.
His face and hands blister and drip fluid and his eyes cloud with blood, rendering him blind.

Fo the duration of te sell the subject is considered helpless and cannot take actions. The subject's sight returns when the spell's duration expires.

Even after the spell ends, the subject is still visibly shaken and takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, saves and checks for 3D10 minutes.

!!!Extra Rules!!!

Pain as Power...

Some spells and items (such as the Liquid Pain spell and the Pain Extractor windrous item [available from the Book of Vile Darkness]) allow pain to be stored in a special receptacle. This distilled pain, often called Agony is a thick liquid.

Evil spellcasters can use a liquid pain in magic item creation. Each dose is the equivalent of 3 experience points needed to create the item. Liquid pain can be used in conjunction with dark-craft experience points and souls used for experience points (something else in the Book of Vile Darkness).

A dose of Agony can also be used as a special evil spell component. Some infernal magic items are powered by pain (See Chapter 6 of the Book of Vile Darkness for "Diabolic Engines and Demonic Devices")

It takes a full day to distil a dose of liquid pain with the Liquid Pain spell. A victim cannot endure-or produce, to put it another way-more extractions of pain than it has points of Constitution.

Agony - 200gp, street value.

Agony is distilled pain distilled in liquid form, as extracted by certain spells or items, automatically increases the effective caster level of a single spell by +2. This increase doesn't stack with previous applications of Agony o any other such bonuses to effective caster level.

This evil spell component is optional (and not mentioned along with other spell components in the spell's descriptive text). These components sometimes increase the potency of an evil spell; the component is consumed whether it helps or not.

A spellcaster can use only one optional component in the casting of an evil spell, so using two Agonys or an Agony and another evil optional component (see the Book of vile Darkness for more information on these wonderful things) wont improve the spellcaster's chances.

As with and spell component, the caster must be touching an optional evil spell component and have it displayed prominenely for it to function.

These optional components can only be applied to spells with the evil descriptor.

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