Another Deity for the Evosan campaign. As usual, please check out and buy the books I've taken stuff from. This is done in good faith and is here to encourage getting the new books and to showcase the stuff I've come up with.
Wutabayo - Goddess of Pleasure.
Alignment = CG
Favoured Weapon = Unarmed Strike
(Depicted as a naked woman, with a cat's tail and bunny ears.)
[Domains: Pleasure (BoEF), Joy (BoED), Lust (SC), Charm]
Pleasure Domain
Granted Power: -
You may use a soothing touch once per day. Your soothing touch is a supernatrual ability that removes fatigue
and heals damage equal to your cleric level.
Pleasure Domain Spells: -
1. Vision of exquisite pleasure*.
2. Suggestion.
3. Orgasmic Vibrations.*
4. Vision of exquisite pleasure, mass*.
5. Symbol of Pursuasion.
6. Orgasmic Vibrations, Mass*.
7. Limited Wish.
8. Charm Monster, Mass.
9. Wish.
Lust Domain
Granted Power (Su): Once per day, as a free action, you gain an enhancement bonus to your Charisma equal to your cleric level. This power lasts for 1 round.
Lust Domain Spells: -
1. Charm Person.
2. Invisibility.
3. Clairaudience/Clairvoyance.
4. Planar Ally, Lesser.
5. Scrying
6. Symbol of Pursuasion.
7. Refuge.
8. Sympathy.
9. Trap the soul.
Joy Domain
Granted Power: -
You gain a +4 sacred bonus to diplomacy checks.
Joy Domain Spells: -
1. Vision of Heaven*.
2. Elation*.
3. Distilled Joy*.
4. Good Hope.
5. Wutabayo's Laugh*.
6. Heroism, Greater.
7. Starmantle*.
8. Sympathy.
9. Otto's Irresistable Dance.
Extra spells: -
Distilled Joy
Level: Joy 3, Sorceror/Wizard 3.
Components: V, S, F.
Casting Time: 1 day.
Range: Touch.
Target: One living creature.
Duration: Permenant.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless).
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless).
You draw forth the material essence of joy from a living creature experiencing great bliss.
This physical manifestation of joy, called Ambrosia, can be used in the creation of good magic items, as a special spell component, or as a drug-like substance (with no addictive qualities).
The caster draws Ambrosia from the target and contains it within a tiny receptacle, such as a flask or vial. Ambrosia can only be dawn from a blissful creature; how the creature achieves this state of bliss can vary from one individual to the next. For example, Distilled Joy can be cast on a deliriously lovestruck character, a dryad dreaming near her tree, an artist crafting his life's msterpiece, or a character experiencing a moment of rapture or undiluted sexual pleasure.
Good spellcasters can use Ambrosia in magic item creation. Each dose provides the equivelent of 2 experience points needed to create the item. A dose of Ambrosia can also be used as an optional spell component (See below...)
A living creature that drinks a ose of Ambrosia experiences a soothing sensation that wipes away and minor aches and pains, takes the edge off of grief and sadness, and cures 1 point of damage. These positive sensations and emotions persist for 1d4+1 hours.
Focus: A vial or similar container in which to contain the Ambrosia.
Enchantment [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Bard 2. Cleric 2, Emissary of Barachiel 2, Joy 2, Sorceror/Wizard 3.
Component: V, S.
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: 80ft.
Targets: Allies in an 80-foot radius spread of you.
Duration: 1 round / level.
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)
Your allies become elated, full of energy and joy. Affected creatures gain a +2 morale bonus to effective Strength and Dexterity and their speed increases by +5 feet.
Elation does not remove the condition of ftigue, but it does offset most of the penalties for being fatigued.
Orgasmic Vibrations.
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Bard 3, Sorceror/Wizard 4, Pleasure 3.
Components: V, S, M.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Close (25 ft + 5ft/2 levels)
Target: One Living Creature.
Duration: 1 round/level.
Saving Throw: Will Negates.
Spell Resistance: Yes.
A grand shuddering orgasm overwhelms a living creature that fails it's saving throw, making the target dazed for the duration of the spell. A target that makes it's saving throw still experiences pleasurable, bute merely distracting sensations.
Spellcasting or concentrating on spells during the duration of the orgasmic vibrations requires a Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level). Using skills requiring patience and concentration requires a Concentration check (DC 20).
Material Component: A drop of sexual fluid.
[Mass Version]
Level: Bard 6, Sorceror/Wizard 8, Pleasure 6.
Target: One or more creatures, no wo of which can be more than 30 feet apart.
As Orgasmic Vibrations, except this spell affects multiple creatures.
Level: Joy 7, Sorceror/Wizard 6.
Components: V, S, M.
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: Touch.
Target: One living creature.
Duration: 1 minute / level.
Saving Throw: None.
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)
This spell manifests a draping cloak of tiny, cascading stars that seem to flicker out before touching the ground.
The cloak forms over the target's existing apparel and shed's light as a torch, although this is not the mantle's primary function.
The Starmantle renders it's wearer impervious to non-magical weapon attacks and transforms any non-magical weapon or missile that strikes it in to harmless light, destroying it forever.
Contact with a Starmantle does not destroy magic weapons or missiles, but theStarmantle's wearer is entitled to a Reflex saving throw (DC 15) each time he is struck by such a weapon; success indicaes that the wearer takes only half damage from the weapon (rounded down).
Material Component: A pinch of dust from a pixie's wing (20gp street value).
Vision of Exquisite Pleasure.
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Bard 1, Cleric 1, Pleasure 1.
Components: V, S, DF.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Close (25ft + 5ft/level)
Target: One Person.
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates.
Spell Resistance: Yes.
Images of tantalising and overwhelmingly sexual pleasure consume the affected target, causing him to pause in his tracks and revel in erotism. Shilst affected by the spell, the person is stunned. He can make a Will save each round to shake off the effect.
[Mass Version]
Level: Bard 4, Cleric 5, Pleasure 4.
Range: Medium (100ft ft + 10ft/level)
Targets: ONe or more humanoid creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart.
As Vision of Exquisite Pleasure, except that the spell affects multiple cretures.
Vision of Heaven
Enchantment [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Apostle of Peace 1, Cleric 1, Celestial 1, Exalted Arcanist 1, Joy 1, Slayer of Domiel 1.
Components: V.
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: Close (25ft + 5ft/2 levels)
Target: One Evil Creature.
Duration: 1 Round.
Saving Throw: Will negates.
Spell Resistance: Yes.
Your words allow the target creature the merest glimpse of the blessed joy of the Heavenly planes, spuring the target to a moment of regret for it's evil deeds. For 1 round, the target is dazed.
In addition, the creature is more susceptible to future redemption. For the next 24 hours, the creature takes a -1 penalty on all Will Saves related to redemption (See below...)
Wutabayo's Laugh
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Good, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Cleric 5, Joy 5.
Components: V.
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: 40 feet.
Area: 40-foot radius spread, centred on you.
Duration: 1 minute / level.
Saving Throw: Will negates (See text).
Spell Resistance: Yes.
You release a joyous, boisterous laugh that strengthens the resolve of good creatures and weakens the resolve of evil creatures.
Good creatures within the spell's area gain the following benefits for the duration of the spell:
- A +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and saves against fear effects, plus temporary hit points equal to 1d8+caster level (to a maximum of 1d8+20 atcaster level 20th).
Evil creatures within the spell's area that fail a Will save take a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls and saves against fear effects for the duration of the spell.
Creatures must be able to hear the laugh the be affected by the spell. Creatures that are neither good nor evil are unnaffected by this spell.
Some spell components are optional (and not specified as a component in any spell description). These components sometimes increase the potency of a good spell and the component is consumed whether it helps or not.
You can only use one optional component in the casting of a good spell, so using two doses of Ambrosia, or a dose of Ambrosia and another optional component (you'll have to get the book to find out about more of these wonderful things ^_^) wont improve your chances.
As with any spell component, you must be touching a optional good spell component and have it displayed prominentely for it to function. These optional components can only be applied to spells with the good descriptor.
Spell components that are derived from the body of a good creature must generally be given frely, not taken from a dead creature. Killing a good creature in order to harvest it's parts or organs is an evil act, and often inflicts a curse or affliction upon the perpetreator, at the DM's discretion. Though these items must be given freely, they can still be sold and thus have suggested market prices. Most oft he time, however, they are given as gifts and not stolen.
- Ambrosia 200gp Value.
A mysterious substance made from distilled joy, Ambrosia is a celestial food, the heavenly sustenance of some gods. Created by means of a Distilled Joy spell, Ambrosia can be used as a special spell component, in addition to the other uses mentioned in the spell description.
As an optional component, Ambrosia automatically increases the effective caster level of a single good spell by +2. This increase doesn't stack with previous applications of distilled joy or any other bonuses to effective caster level.
When an evil enemy throws down his arms and pleads for mercy, a good character faces a host of new issues, sometimes enough to make her wis hthe enemy had simply fought to the bitter end.
Justice demands mercy, so killing an enemy who surrenders is out of the question for a character pursuing the exalted path of good. Righteousness also encourages the virtue of prudence, and a prudent character certainly recognises that an evil person requesting mercy is quite possibly hoping for an opportunity to kill her when her back is turned.
However, a character with many ranks in Diplomacy can attempt to turn a hostile character friendly on a lasting basis, whether to extract needed information or to convert them to their side.
At a DM's discression, good treatment of a prisoner can grant a circumstance bonus to the check, from +2 (minimum standard of care that a good character would expect) to +6 (for truley exceptional treatment).
To redeem a prisoner to the ways of good, firstly the evil prisoner must be treated with exceptional care and respect - far better than the prisoner knows he would treat the characters if the situation were reversed. initially, an evil character might greet this treatment with scorn and look for opportunities to escape.
When he finds the character's gentle but firm, kind but smart in their defenses, he gains a new degree of respect for them, gleaning at least a glimpse of an idea that one needn't be cruel to be strong.
Secondly, the captors must display a willingness to forgive the evil that the prisoner has done. If their convresation is laced with talk of punishing their captive, or gleeful anticipation of the punishment he will receive when they turn him over to the authorities, he sees little purpose in even contemplating a change of heart, instead directing all of his energies towards escaping the grim fate they have planned for him. He can only be redeemed if there is the possibility for forgiveness.
Third, a character must spend at least an hour evey day with the prisoner, encouraging him to talk about the evil he has done, and in turn describing the benefits and rewards of the life of Good. Thi task is best performed by a cleric who can speak with authority, not only about moral forgiveness, but also divine mercy. Often it is important for a villain to know that the deities of good will welcome him as a worshipper.
Each day this conversation takes place, even if it begins rather one-sided, the good character makes a Diplomacy check. The evil character then makes an opposed Will save, adding his level as a bonus on the saving throw against a DC equal to the good character's Diplomacy check result.
The DM can give the same circumstance bonus on the Diplomacy checks as for checks made to interrogate prisoners.
Creatures whose alignments are listed as "always" a specific alignment, and characers who would lose class abilities if they changed alignment (including evil clerics and blackguards) gain a +4 to their Will saves.
Outsiders with the Evil subtype are immune to redemption in this maner. Neutral (neither good nor evil) characters take a -2 penalty on their Will saves. Creatures who have been enthralled by an Emmisary of Barachiel (you'll have to read the book - The Book of Exalted Deeds) or who have been subject to a Vision of Heaven spell take penalties on their Will saves.
If an evil character fails 7 saving throws in a row at any point during the process of redemption, the evil component of their alignment changes to neutral. If a neutral character (including a former evil character who has already failed his save 7 times) fails seven sving throws in a row, his alignment changes to good. The change is permentant.
Redeemed villains have no special link to the good characters who facilitated their redemption. They might choose to continue assosiating with te PCs, or they might strike out on their own, the DM decides. However they are always friendly to the characters and feel that they owe a debt of gratitude to them, which the PCs can collect sooner or later.
I’m still getting things set up around here, but feel free to explore the
4 years ago
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