Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Update to Silent Hill Mist Rules...and an idea.

Wel I've found a suitable template...and I didn't have to make it myself.

I've had a look at it, and as it happen, it's perfect already.

I may make addendums to allow extra stuff. Methinks tat should be far less complicate than making a template from scratch.

I wont be posting the template though. I'm afraid you'll have to buy the book, but I firmly believe that is is the best D&D supplement out there, so it's worth getting it.

Anyhow, it's the Corrupted Creature template from the Book of Vile Darkness. I WILL however, post some creatures later after having applied the template. That'll mean me rewriting my Grey Children. I'll not do a Pyramid Head as I'm pretty sure they only appear in Otherworld anyway...but we'll see.

Originally, I'd made a Pyramid Head and Grey CHildren...but they'd been scaled down so that my party (at the time, only level 3) could tackle them. Now methinks I'll do them more "realistically" (for lack of a better word).

If anybody would like to help, that'd be appreciated.

In other news, this gave me an idea...of sorts.

I'm restraining myself from testing all of these in my campaign. For the most part this blog is so that I can get all of my ideas out of the way so that I'm not tempted to put them in my normal campaign. One of my players is very keen on playing a "Vanilla" campaign and hates it when I do stuff that isn't in the monster manual or DM's guide...Oh well...

But I'd like to know if any of these work. Now I've restricted aspects of my homebrew stuff to a set of islands west of Maztica, in my campaign setting. However, if I'm gonig to share these with you all then I'll have to know how well they work on a larger scale. With that in mind, I would like to come up with my own campaign setting...a setting which will seamlesly combine everything I come up with. For example, there's already a Naruto D20 setting, but it can't be slotted in to a standard D&D game. Hopefully, my rules can...the same goes for my Silent Hill rules.

So what does this mean? Well I would like to collaborate with anyone who wants to help, to come up with a way of combining everything so that they'll all work seamlesly together.

It's probably a fool's errand...but it sounds fun...right?

Methinks this is essentially a premise for a bizare free-for-all Smash Brothers-esque D&D setting...but I don't care. I'm fascinated to see if i can be done. So long as we're clever and patient, I believe it's doable.

Anyhow, get in touch if you'd like to help...

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