Ok, here is the first of my new Silent Hill creatures. This is the first monster you usually come across first in the games. It starts off as a Groaner, but when Otherworld descents, it changes in to an even more abberant form. I've even included a third form (for those nastier places) based off of a creature from the upcoming Silent Hill V.
Enjoy ^_^
Medium Abberation
CR = 1
Str 11 +0
Dex 14 +2
Con 12 +1
Int 02 -4
Wis 04 -3
Cha 04 -3
1d8 HD + 1
Bite 1d6
(Sole natural attack so gets 1.5 Str bonus to attacks instead of just 1)
Has the scent ability.
Has Darkvision to 60 ft.
Skill Points = 12
Hide 3
Spot 3
Listen 3
Move Silently 3
Get a +2 racial bonus to hiding when in mist or darkness.
Improved Scent [General] (Savage Species)
Prerequisites: Scent Ability
Benefit: You can detect approaching enemies and sniff out hidden foes within 60 feet. For strong sents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, double these ranges.
Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk can be detectd at triple normal range.
Normal: Without this feat, you can detect creatures by smell only within 30 feet.
Uncanny Scent [General] (Savage Species)
Prerequisite: Scent Ability, Improved Scent.
Benefit: You can pinpoint the location of a scent when within 20 feet.
Normal: You can pinpoint the location of a scent when within 5 feet.
Space 5ft
Reach 10ft
Iniative = +1
Speed = 40ft
AC = 14
AC = 10 + Size + Dex (+2) + Armour + Natural Armour (+2)+ Shield + Deflection
Touch = 10 + Size + Dex + Deflection
Flat = 10 + Size + Armour + Natural Armour + Shield + Deflection
[Second Form]
Medium Abberation
CR = 2
Str 15 +2
Dex 12 +1
Con 16 +3
Int 02 -4
Wis 02 -4
Cha 02 -8
1d8 HD + 3
Bite 1d8
(Sole natural attack so gets 1.5 Str bonus to attacks instead of just 1)
Has the scent ability.
Has Darkvision to 60 ft.
Has Acid Immunity.
Disruptive Attack (Su): The corrupt creature deals additional Vile damage (chapter 2 of BoVD) when it touches uncorrupted, living, corporeal non-outsiders.
The amount of Vile Damage dealt is equal to half the creature's Hit Dice (maximum 20 points of damage) [2 in this case.] This applies only to natural attacks.
Enchanced Power (Su): The save DC of any and all of the corrupt creature's special attacks increase by +4.
Fast Healing (Su): Each round, a corrupted creature heals damage equal to half of it's Hit Dice (maximum of 10 points per round healed) [In this case, 2].
Skill Points = 12
Hide 3
Spot 3
Listen 3
Move Silently 3
Get a +2 racial bonus to hiding when in mist or darkness.
Improved Scent [General] (Savage Species)
Prerequisites: Scent Ability
Benefit: You can detect approaching enemies and sniff out hidden foes within 60 feet. For strong sents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, double these ranges.
Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk can be detectd at triple normal range.
Normal: Without this feat, you can detect creatures by smell only within 30 feet.
Uncanny Scent [General] (Savage Species)
Prerequisite: Scent Ability, Improved Scent.
Benefit: You can pinpoint the location of a scent when within 20 feet.
Normal: You can pinpoint the location of a scent when within 5 feet.
Space 5ft
Reach 10ft
Iniative = +1
Speed = 40ft
AC = ??
AC = 10 + Size + Dex (+2) + Armour + Natural Armour (+6)+ Shield + Deflection
Touch = 10 + Size + Dex + Deflection
Flat = 10 + Size + Armour + Natural Armour + Shield + Deflection
[Third form]
Feral Morph
Medium Abberation
CR = 3
Str 19 +8
Dex 14 +2
Con 20 +5
Int 06 -2
Wis 02 -4
Cha 02 -8
2d8 HD + 10
Bite 1d8
(Sole natural attack so gets 1.5 Str bonus to attacks instead of just 1)
Has the scent ability.
Has Darkvision to 60 ft.
Has Acid Immunity.
Disruptive Attack (Su): The corrupt creature deals additional Vile damage (chapter 2 of BoVD) when it touches uncorrupted, living, corporeal non-outsiders.
The amount of Vile Damage dealt is equal to half the creature's Hit Dice (maximum 20 points of damage) [2 in this case.] This applies only to natural attacks.
Enchanced Power (Su): The save DC of any and all of the corrupt creature's special attacks increase by +4.
Fast Healing (Su): Each round, a corrupted creature heals damage equal to half of it's Hit Dice (maximum of 10 points per round healed) [In this case, 2].
Spell Resistance (Ex): Gains spell rsistance equal to 12.
Spell Absorbtion (Su): Whenever a spell fails to penetrate the creature's spell resistance, the creature gains one of the following benefits, chosen at the time that the spell resolves;
Might: The creature gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1 minute.
Agility: The creature gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity for 1 minute.
Endurance: The creature gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution for 1 minute.
Life: The creature gains temporary hit points equal to 5 X the leel of the failed spell.
Speed: The creature's base speed increases by a number of feet equal to 5 X the level of the failed spell.
Resistance: The creature gains resistance 10 to one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic).
Skill Points = 12
Hide 3
Spot 3
Listen 3
Move Silently 3
Get a +2 racial bonus to hiding when in mist or darkness.
Improved Scent [General] (Savage Species)
Prerequisites: Scent Ability
Benefit: You can detect approaching enemies and sniff out hidden foes within 60 feet. For strong sents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, double these ranges.
Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk can be detectd at triple normal range.
Normal: Without this feat, you can detect creatures by smell only within 30 feet.
Uncanny Scent [General] (Savage Species)
Prerequisite: Scent Ability, Improved Scent.
Benefit: You can pinpoint the location of a scent when within 20 feet.
Normal: You can pinpoint the location of a scent when within 5 feet.
Space 5ft
Reach 10ft
Iniative = +1
Speed = 40ft
AC = ??
AC = 10 + Size + Dex (+2) + Armour + Natural Armour (+8)+ Shield + Deflection
Touch = 10 + Size + Dex + Deflection
Flat = 10 + Size + Armour + Natural Armour + Shield + Deflection
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