Friday, 4 April 2008

Scrapped Prestige Class

I was working on a Saint Prestige Class, based off of the Catholic regulations on Canonization.

Except it went wrong and I scrapped it. The only problem I can see (other than the level adjustments need tweaking a bit methinks...) is the Miracle when it's a spell-like ability. I couldn't figureo ut a way for it to balance properly, so that if it's a low level spell, the person gets a few and they increase per Saint level...if the spell level's high, then you don't get as much but you still get more as you get more levels of Saint.

Like I said, I couldn't work out a decent enough formula...I suck at maths.

Whilst this mostly resembles a template, it's easiest to treat this as a Prestige class...which is why this is presented as below...

Saint Prestige Class

Someone who serves their Deity directly and who legend says poccess miraculous powers. They also exemplify their Deity's teachings and ethics.

To qualify to be a saint, the person must : -

Perform two tasks which they would not normally be able to do. This can be: -

Using an ability they do not have prerequisites for,

Using spells or spell like abilities they do not have prerequisites for,

Using any other ability which they wouldn't ordinarily be able to do.

Such abilities are usually granted through Deities, although any source is possible.

Said tasks are most likely to have been performed in service to their patron Deity.

If the character dies in the service of their Deity and has performed two miracles, it is very likely that they will be offered the chance for resurrection and sainthood by their Deity.
If they die for their Deity and perform only one miracle, there is a 50/50 chance of this.


Once raised as a Saint, the character is granted one of the miracles performed as a permanent ability. This is an Exalted Feat. The character need not meet the ability/feat's prerequisites.

If it a spell or spell like ability, then the ability is usable the following amount of times per day: -

!!!!!!!!!!!. Minimum 1 time per day.

Caster Level is Saint Level.

If the ability is anything which doesn't cover this rule, then it is at the DM's discretion, although using wish, miracle and limited wish as base-of-comparisons is ideal.


Extra Domain. The Saint gains access to a domain from their Patron Deity's selection. For non Clerics, this grants them accss to those spells and the domain's ability. For Clerics this will mean that they have three domains to choose from.

Use Cleric level or Saint Level, whichever is higher for determining Caster levels.


Base Attack Bonus increases as if the character had taken levels in their previous class. You may only take a level in Cleric, or any class you already possess.

This also applies to Hit Dice, Skills (Although Knowledge Religion is now alway a class skill for you) and you gain no extra proficiencies, except for an automatic proficiency with your Deity's favoured weapon.

Fortitude, Reflex and Will saves also increase as if levelled in previous class or Cleric.


You gain the following abilities at certain Saint levels. Depending on which tree you go for, abilities will vary.

Saint 3 -
Familiar class ability (Same as the Wizard's - Saint levels stack with wizard and sorceror levels for determining familiars abilities)

Smite Ability (As the paladin. Levels in Saint Stack with levels of paladin.)

Turn Undead Ability (As the Cleric. Levels in Saint stack with Cleric Levels.)

Saint 6 -
Celestial Familiar (Must have picked familiar Ability or have Familiar class ability.)*,

Exalted Smite (Must have picked Smite Ability or have it as a class ability)*,

Exalted Turning (Must have picked Turn undead ability, either by Saint or Cleric levels.)*.

Saint 9 - You gain the Angel Subtype in addition to your other subtypes. See the Monster Manual for the efects of this.

Level Adjustment

There is a level adjustment to this Prestige Class, which rises at certain levels.

Saint Levels 1 & 2 - LA 1 / CR +0
Saint Levels 3-5 - LA 2 / CR +1
Saint Levels 6-8 - LA 3 / CR +2
Saint Levels 9+ - LA 4 / CR + 3


Celestial Familiar [Exalted Feat]

Prerequisite: Able to aquire a new familiar, minimum level requirement (see below) [For this purpose, Saint levels stack with Sorceror or Wizard levels]

Benefit: When choosing a familiar, the following creatures are available to you. You must chose a familiar whose alignment is the same as yours.

Familiar Alignment Arcane [And Saint] Caster Level

Celestial Animal¬ Any Good 3rd

Coure Eladrin CG 7th

Lantern Archon LG 7th

Musteval Guardinal NG 7th

¬ Apply the celestial template to any animal from the standard familiar list. Unlike other celestial familiars, a celestial animal grants it's master the standard benefit for having an animal familiar of that type.

The Celestial familiar is magically linked to it's master like a normal familiar. THe familiar uses the basic statistics for a creature of it's kind as given in the Monster Manual or the Book of Exalted Deeds, except as noted below.

Hit Dice: For effects relating to Hit Dice, use the mster's level or the familiar's normal total, whichever is higher.

Hit Points: ONe hlaf of the master's total or the familiar's total, whichever is higher.

Attacks: Use the master's base attack bonus or the familiar's, whichever is better.

Saving Throws: Use the master's base save bonuses if they are better than the familiar's.

Familiar's special abilities: Use the information in the Familiars sidebar on pages 52-53 of the Player's handbook to determine additional abilities as you would a normal familiar. With the exception of celestial animals, celestial familiars do not grant their masters any of the benefits that appear in the sidebar.


Exalted Smite [Exalted]

Your smite ability is empowered with holy energy.

Prerequisite: Smite Evil class ability.

Benefit: When you use your smite ability, your weapon is considerred good-aligned for purposes of bypassing damage reduction.


Exalted Turning [Exalted]

You turn undead with such power that affcted undead take damage.

Prerequisite: Ability to turn undead.

Benefit: Any undead creature that you turn takes 3d6 points of damage in addition to the normal turning effect.


Still, some of the bits of this might be useful. If anyone can help me fix it completely, I'd be happy to co-credit you.

Oh well...

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