Saturday, 12 April 2008

A grid for you to use!

I figured I'd post this useful little tool. I went looking for grids and had very little I made one.

It's rather large and in PSD format. The reason I've done this is so that places with multiple stories can be stacked over one another and all the DM need to is make layers visible or not.

In addition, all a DM need to to use any map (grid with it or not) is to import it and change the blend mode so that it matches the grids. There, easy map.

To prove it, I'll later be posting a map I'm doing as part of a tutorial for newbies.

Oh, I've included a non-PSD version as an accompanying image...because I'm nice...Assuming it isn't distorted too much by resizing...And I've done it in low quality. The PSD is in high quality.

Anyhow, click here for the file...

Monday, 7 April 2008

Playtester character for Silent Hill

I made this lass to test the strength of the creatures for my Silent Hill setting.

I figured duplicating the main character (to an extend) would mean I can better measure their effectiveness against the ones from the games. Simple no?

In fact, I would like to extend an offer to all of you gamers out there. My challange is to take this character and make her your own. I've left her story ambigious and she's only at first level.

Take her as she is and play as her and see what kind of directions you can take her in. I'm curious to see what she could do, when put in the hands of lots of different people.

Anyhow, don't worry about monsters. I'll be uploading more soon. ^_^

And now, to the NPC!


Silent Hill Playtester

Amy Keins

Level 1 Human Commoner

An ordinary girl that stumbled in to Silent Hill...or did she?

D4 for HD.


Str 10
Dex 10
Con 10
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 10

BAB Fort Ref Will

+0 +0 +0 +0


(2+Int) + 1 [human] + 1 [feat]

Jump 1
Spot 2
Swim 2
Use Rope 2
Profession (Waitress) 4
Listen 1

Proficiencies: -

One simple [Dagger]



Human - Natural Skill [General]

You have a natural knack for picking up new abilities. You gain 1 extra skill point per level. This ability stacks with a human's racial ability, giving them a total of two free skill points per level.

Prerequisite: -
Character level 1st. It was something you have always had, and cannot be 'learned'.

Benefit: -
You gain 1 extra skill point per level (and 4x skill points at first level).

Normal: -
You gain skill points equal to your class + your Int score only.


1 - Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Firearms]


Gear: -


Pistol, Automatic. 2d6 Damage X2 40ft 3lbs Piercing.

The magazine holding the bullets weighs 1/2 pound. [15 bullets]

The pistol can fire fifteen times befor reloading and can be used to attack more than once per round if the user has the ability to make multiple attacks.

Releasing an empty magazine and inserting a new one is a move action.

She has on her only a single magazine.

Silent Hill Creatures - Groaner Dog and it's Otherworld forms too...

Ok, here is the first of my new Silent Hill creatures. This is the first monster you usually come across first in the games. It starts off as a Groaner, but when Otherworld descents, it changes in to an even more abberant form. I've even included a third form (for those nastier places) based off of a creature from the upcoming Silent Hill V.

Enjoy ^_^




Medium Abberation

CR = 1

Str 11 +0
Dex 14 +2
Con 12 +1
Int 02 -4
Wis 04 -3
Cha 04 -3

1d8 HD + 1

Bite 1d6

(Sole natural attack so gets 1.5 Str bonus to attacks instead of just 1)

Has the scent ability.
Has Darkvision to 60 ft.



Skill Points = 12

Hide 3
Spot 3
Listen 3
Move Silently 3

Get a +2 racial bonus to hiding when in mist or darkness.


Improved Scent [General] (Savage Species)

Prerequisites: Scent Ability

Benefit: You can detect approaching enemies and sniff out hidden foes within 60 feet. For strong sents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, double these ranges.
Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk can be detectd at triple normal range.

Normal: Without this feat, you can detect creatures by smell only within 30 feet.


Uncanny Scent [General] (Savage Species)

Prerequisite: Scent Ability, Improved Scent.

Benefit: You can pinpoint the location of a scent when within 20 feet.

Normal: You can pinpoint the location of a scent when within 5 feet.


Space 5ft

Reach 10ft

Iniative = +1

Speed = 40ft

AC = 14

AC = 10 + Size + Dex (+2) + Armour + Natural Armour (+2)+ Shield + Deflection

Touch = 10 + Size + Dex + Deflection

Flat = 10 + Size + Armour + Natural Armour + Shield + Deflection


[Second Form]



Medium Abberation

CR = 2

Str 15 +2
Dex 12 +1
Con 16 +3
Int 02 -4
Wis 02 -4
Cha 02 -8

1d8 HD + 3

Bite 1d8

(Sole natural attack so gets 1.5 Str bonus to attacks instead of just 1)

Has the scent ability.
Has Darkvision to 60 ft.
Has Acid Immunity.

Disruptive Attack (Su): The corrupt creature deals additional Vile damage (chapter 2 of BoVD) when it touches uncorrupted, living, corporeal non-outsiders.
The amount of Vile Damage dealt is equal to half the creature's Hit Dice (maximum 20 points of damage) [2 in this case.] This applies only to natural attacks.

Enchanced Power (Su): The save DC of any and all of the corrupt creature's special attacks increase by +4.

Fast Healing (Su): Each round, a corrupted creature heals damage equal to half of it's Hit Dice (maximum of 10 points per round healed) [In this case, 2].



Skill Points = 12

Hide 3
Spot 3
Listen 3
Move Silently 3

Get a +2 racial bonus to hiding when in mist or darkness.


Improved Scent [General] (Savage Species)

Prerequisites: Scent Ability

Benefit: You can detect approaching enemies and sniff out hidden foes within 60 feet. For strong sents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, double these ranges.
Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk can be detectd at triple normal range.

Normal: Without this feat, you can detect creatures by smell only within 30 feet.


Uncanny Scent [General] (Savage Species)

Prerequisite: Scent Ability, Improved Scent.

Benefit: You can pinpoint the location of a scent when within 20 feet.

Normal: You can pinpoint the location of a scent when within 5 feet.


Space 5ft

Reach 10ft

Iniative = +1

Speed = 40ft

AC = ??

AC = 10 + Size + Dex (+2) + Armour + Natural Armour (+6)+ Shield + Deflection

Touch = 10 + Size + Dex + Deflection

Flat = 10 + Size + Armour + Natural Armour + Shield + Deflection


[Third form]

Feral Morph


Medium Abberation

CR = 3

Str 19 +8
Dex 14 +2
Con 20 +5
Int 06 -2
Wis 02 -4
Cha 02 -8

2d8 HD + 10

Bite 1d8

(Sole natural attack so gets 1.5 Str bonus to attacks instead of just 1)

Has the scent ability.
Has Darkvision to 60 ft.
Has Acid Immunity.

Disruptive Attack (Su): The corrupt creature deals additional Vile damage (chapter 2 of BoVD) when it touches uncorrupted, living, corporeal non-outsiders.
The amount of Vile Damage dealt is equal to half the creature's Hit Dice (maximum 20 points of damage) [2 in this case.] This applies only to natural attacks.

Enchanced Power (Su): The save DC of any and all of the corrupt creature's special attacks increase by +4.

Fast Healing (Su): Each round, a corrupted creature heals damage equal to half of it's Hit Dice (maximum of 10 points per round healed) [In this case, 2].

Spell Resistance (Ex): Gains spell rsistance equal to 12.

Spell Absorbtion (Su): Whenever a spell fails to penetrate the creature's spell resistance, the creature gains one of the following benefits, chosen at the time that the spell resolves;

Might: The creature gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1 minute.

Agility: The creature gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity for 1 minute.

Endurance: The creature gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution for 1 minute.

Life: The creature gains temporary hit points equal to 5 X the leel of the failed spell.

Speed: The creature's base speed increases by a number of feet equal to 5 X the level of the failed spell.

Resistance: The creature gains resistance 10 to one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic).



Skill Points = 12

Hide 3
Spot 3
Listen 3
Move Silently 3

Get a +2 racial bonus to hiding when in mist or darkness.


Improved Scent [General] (Savage Species)

Prerequisites: Scent Ability

Benefit: You can detect approaching enemies and sniff out hidden foes within 60 feet. For strong sents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, double these ranges.
Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk can be detectd at triple normal range.

Normal: Without this feat, you can detect creatures by smell only within 30 feet.


Uncanny Scent [General] (Savage Species)

Prerequisite: Scent Ability, Improved Scent.

Benefit: You can pinpoint the location of a scent when within 20 feet.

Normal: You can pinpoint the location of a scent when within 5 feet.


Space 5ft

Reach 10ft

Iniative = +1

Speed = 40ft

AC = ??

AC = 10 + Size + Dex (+2) + Armour + Natural Armour (+8)+ Shield + Deflection

Touch = 10 + Size + Dex + Deflection

Flat = 10 + Size + Armour + Natural Armour + Shield + Deflection

Some NPCs (All level 1)

These are the followers of a sterotypical knight in shining armour I'm using for my campaign. There are othrs which aren't complted yet, but I will later when the hero himself is finished and at that point I'll explain more about him.

Oh, and I've managed to implement the Naruto rules too (which I've got an update for, which I'll post at the end...)


Human Ranger from Khorvaire (Eberron)

Partner of Warforged.

From House Deneith.

Keyla Shira



Level 1 Ranger

BAB Fort Ref Will

+1 +2 +2 +0

HD = D8 + (Con X Level)

8/8 hp

Str 11
Dex 12 +1
Con 11
Int 12 +1
Wis 12 +1
Cha 11


First Favoured Enemy - Humanoid (Orc)

Track bonus feat.

Wild Empathy.


Light Armour,
Shieds (ET)


(6+Int) X 4 + 4 (human)


Craft (Alchemy) 3
Heal 4
Hide 2
Knowledge Nature 3
Listen 3
Move Silently 3
Search 1
Spot 1
Survival 4
Spellcraft 2
Tumble 2



1 - Necropolis Born

In anate talent for magic allows you to cast some spells as spell-like abilities as a 1st level caster.
Use Cause Fear, Ghost Sound, Touch of Fatigue as spell-like abilities 1/day.

Save DC = 10 + Spell level + Cha mod.


Human - Least Dragonmark

1/day spell-like ability: -

Mage Armour
& +2 on sense motive checks.

Save = 10 + spell + cha mod.
Caster Level = 1 + level in dragonmark heir prestige class (if any)


Ranger Bonus - Track



20 arrows


Warforged Fighter

(Description - 20/23 Eberron)

Medium Construct (Living Subtype)

Neutral Alignment

Languages = Common

Has no far.

(Find a cute Japanese name for Hitome to have given him)

No low light vision or darkvision

Not immune to mind-affecting.

Immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drains.

Cannot heal damage naturally.

Are subject to criticals, non-lethal, stunning, ability damage, ability drain, death and necromancy effects.

Can be afected by spells that target living creatures and those that target constructs.
Spells from healing subschool and supernatural abilities that cue hit points or ability damage provide only half their normal effect.

Warforged takes damage from heat metal and chill metal as if he were wearing metal armour, and repel metal or stone in the same way.

He is also repelled by repel wood.

Vulnerable to Rusting Grasp - Takes 2d6 points of damage from the spell (reflex half. DC = 14 + caster's ability mod). Takes same dmage form Rust monster's touch (Reflex 17 half).

Stone to flesh, Stone Shape, Warp Wood & Wod shape doesn't work on warforged.

Warforged are disabled at 0 hit points, like a living creature. Can only take a single move action or standard each round but strenuous ctivities do not risk further damage.

At -1 to -10, he is inert. He is unconscious and helpless. He is always stable.

Can be raised or ress'd.

Does not eat, sleep or breathe but can still benefit from heroes feast, potions, etc.

Must rest for 8 hours before preparing spells.

+2 constitution, -2 wisdom, -2 charisma.

+2 armour bonus (+8 because of adamantine body feat). Is not natural and does not stack with things that give armour bonus. Stacks with natural armour (as if that would happen...)

Occupies armour & robe slot on body.

Can be enchanted like armour.

5% arcane spell failure.

25% chance that criticals don't do critical damage and just do normal.

Has a natural weapon that does 1d4 damage.

Favoured = Fighter.


Str 12
Dex 10
Con 16
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 08

AC = 18


D10 HD + (Con bonus X level)

13/13 HP


Skills: -

Intimidate 2
Jump 1
Spot 1
Listen 1
Climb 1





1 - Adamantine Body [Armour Bonus +8, DR 2/Adamantine - Speed is now 20ft)

You are considered to be wearing heavy armour.

+1 Max dex to AC, -5 on all skills that Armour Checks apply to. Arcane Spell = 35%

Fighter - Wapon Focus - Falchion



Warforged Repair Kit X3 (Page 121/124 of Eberron Book)

Falchion 2d4 18-20/X2 8lb Slashing



Languages: -



Level 1 Kishimoto Ninja

Str 11
Dex 12 +1
Con 12 +1
Int 10
Wis 12 +1
Cha 10

AC = 10 + Size + Dex + Armour + Ninja

AC = 12 (13 against melee, not flat or touch)


Hd = 1d6 + (Con X Level)


Chakra - Chakra skill + Con Bonus + Ninja Level

= 6/6


Monk - Unarmed Strike

1 - Chakra Focus (Allows spider climb if running)

Human - Chakra Focus 2 - Waterwalking


Skills: -

Chakra Use 4 Wis
Ninjutsu 2 Int
Taijutsu 3 Dex
Genjutsu 1 Wis
Tumble 4
Move Silently 3
Climb 1
Balance 2
Concentration 1
Jump 1
Listen 2
Spot 3
Heal 2


Gear: -


3 X Smoke Bombs


Special Abilities

Sneak Attack + 1d6
AC Bonus


BAB Fort Ref Will

+0 +2 +2 +2

+1 to attacks because of Taijutsu



Halfling Cleric of H'w'whiffttt't.


This Deity is a Deity of The Weather.

Speaks: Common, Halfing.

8/8 HD


Domains: - Air, Good, Sun, Travel, Luck

Domains picked: -

Air, Sun.


Granted Powers: Turn or destroy earth creatures as a good cleric
turns undead. Rebuke, command, or bolster air creatures as an evil
cleric rebukes undead. Use these abilities a total number of times
per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. This granted power is a
supernatural ability.


Granted Power: Once per day, you can perform a greater turning
against undead in place of a regular turning. The greater turning is
like a normal turning except that the undead creatures that would
be turned are destroyed instead.


Str 08 -1
Dex 14 +2
Con 10
Int 11
Wis 14 +2
Cha 11


+1 to AC for size

+1 on attack rolls

+4 on hide

Speed = 20ft

+2 racial on climb, jump, move silently.

+1 racial on all saving throws.

+2 morale on saves against fear. Stacks with above save on everything in general.

+1 racial on thrown weapons & slings

+2 on listen


BAB Fort Ref Will

+0 +2 +0 +2


Turn or Rebuke Dead




1. Detect Magic
2. Read MAgic
3. Virtue


1. Detect Undead
2. Bless

D. Obscuring Mist


1. Augury

Proficiencies: -

All armour,
All shields (ET).


And now, Naruto rules update!

!!!Ninja rules addendum!!!

Fighter or Ninja feat at second level and every three levels after that.

Every three ranks of Taijutsu, gives a +1 to melee attacks (to hit) and +1 to AC against melee attacks. Doesn't apply to flat or touch.

Every three ranks of Genjutsu gives +1 to will saves.

Friday, 4 April 2008

Scrapped Prestige Class

I was working on a Saint Prestige Class, based off of the Catholic regulations on Canonization.

Except it went wrong and I scrapped it. The only problem I can see (other than the level adjustments need tweaking a bit methinks...) is the Miracle when it's a spell-like ability. I couldn't figureo ut a way for it to balance properly, so that if it's a low level spell, the person gets a few and they increase per Saint level...if the spell level's high, then you don't get as much but you still get more as you get more levels of Saint.

Like I said, I couldn't work out a decent enough formula...I suck at maths.

Whilst this mostly resembles a template, it's easiest to treat this as a Prestige class...which is why this is presented as below...

Saint Prestige Class

Someone who serves their Deity directly and who legend says poccess miraculous powers. They also exemplify their Deity's teachings and ethics.

To qualify to be a saint, the person must : -

Perform two tasks which they would not normally be able to do. This can be: -

Using an ability they do not have prerequisites for,

Using spells or spell like abilities they do not have prerequisites for,

Using any other ability which they wouldn't ordinarily be able to do.

Such abilities are usually granted through Deities, although any source is possible.

Said tasks are most likely to have been performed in service to their patron Deity.

If the character dies in the service of their Deity and has performed two miracles, it is very likely that they will be offered the chance for resurrection and sainthood by their Deity.
If they die for their Deity and perform only one miracle, there is a 50/50 chance of this.


Once raised as a Saint, the character is granted one of the miracles performed as a permanent ability. This is an Exalted Feat. The character need not meet the ability/feat's prerequisites.

If it a spell or spell like ability, then the ability is usable the following amount of times per day: -

!!!!!!!!!!!. Minimum 1 time per day.

Caster Level is Saint Level.

If the ability is anything which doesn't cover this rule, then it is at the DM's discretion, although using wish, miracle and limited wish as base-of-comparisons is ideal.


Extra Domain. The Saint gains access to a domain from their Patron Deity's selection. For non Clerics, this grants them accss to those spells and the domain's ability. For Clerics this will mean that they have three domains to choose from.

Use Cleric level or Saint Level, whichever is higher for determining Caster levels.


Base Attack Bonus increases as if the character had taken levels in their previous class. You may only take a level in Cleric, or any class you already possess.

This also applies to Hit Dice, Skills (Although Knowledge Religion is now alway a class skill for you) and you gain no extra proficiencies, except for an automatic proficiency with your Deity's favoured weapon.

Fortitude, Reflex and Will saves also increase as if levelled in previous class or Cleric.


You gain the following abilities at certain Saint levels. Depending on which tree you go for, abilities will vary.

Saint 3 -
Familiar class ability (Same as the Wizard's - Saint levels stack with wizard and sorceror levels for determining familiars abilities)

Smite Ability (As the paladin. Levels in Saint Stack with levels of paladin.)

Turn Undead Ability (As the Cleric. Levels in Saint stack with Cleric Levels.)

Saint 6 -
Celestial Familiar (Must have picked familiar Ability or have Familiar class ability.)*,

Exalted Smite (Must have picked Smite Ability or have it as a class ability)*,

Exalted Turning (Must have picked Turn undead ability, either by Saint or Cleric levels.)*.

Saint 9 - You gain the Angel Subtype in addition to your other subtypes. See the Monster Manual for the efects of this.

Level Adjustment

There is a level adjustment to this Prestige Class, which rises at certain levels.

Saint Levels 1 & 2 - LA 1 / CR +0
Saint Levels 3-5 - LA 2 / CR +1
Saint Levels 6-8 - LA 3 / CR +2
Saint Levels 9+ - LA 4 / CR + 3


Celestial Familiar [Exalted Feat]

Prerequisite: Able to aquire a new familiar, minimum level requirement (see below) [For this purpose, Saint levels stack with Sorceror or Wizard levels]

Benefit: When choosing a familiar, the following creatures are available to you. You must chose a familiar whose alignment is the same as yours.

Familiar Alignment Arcane [And Saint] Caster Level

Celestial Animal¬ Any Good 3rd

Coure Eladrin CG 7th

Lantern Archon LG 7th

Musteval Guardinal NG 7th

¬ Apply the celestial template to any animal from the standard familiar list. Unlike other celestial familiars, a celestial animal grants it's master the standard benefit for having an animal familiar of that type.

The Celestial familiar is magically linked to it's master like a normal familiar. THe familiar uses the basic statistics for a creature of it's kind as given in the Monster Manual or the Book of Exalted Deeds, except as noted below.

Hit Dice: For effects relating to Hit Dice, use the mster's level or the familiar's normal total, whichever is higher.

Hit Points: ONe hlaf of the master's total or the familiar's total, whichever is higher.

Attacks: Use the master's base attack bonus or the familiar's, whichever is better.

Saving Throws: Use the master's base save bonuses if they are better than the familiar's.

Familiar's special abilities: Use the information in the Familiars sidebar on pages 52-53 of the Player's handbook to determine additional abilities as you would a normal familiar. With the exception of celestial animals, celestial familiars do not grant their masters any of the benefits that appear in the sidebar.


Exalted Smite [Exalted]

Your smite ability is empowered with holy energy.

Prerequisite: Smite Evil class ability.

Benefit: When you use your smite ability, your weapon is considerred good-aligned for purposes of bypassing damage reduction.


Exalted Turning [Exalted]

You turn undead with such power that affcted undead take damage.

Prerequisite: Ability to turn undead.

Benefit: Any undead creature that you turn takes 3d6 points of damage in addition to the normal turning effect.


Still, some of the bits of this might be useful. If anyone can help me fix it completely, I'd be happy to co-credit you.

Oh well...

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Another Random NPC - Marduk, Fallen Paladdin of Alessa

Fallen Palladin


CR = 7

Marduk Haku


4 Paladdin / 3 Fighter

(7 X D10) + 7

Was from somewhere on another world and worshipped a soon-to-be destroyed deity.

He was taken to Evosa and was tempted away by Alessa.

Str 12 +1
Dex 12 +1
Con 12 +1
Int 14 +2
Wis 11 +0
Cha 15 +2

Skills: -

28 - paladin
12 - fighter

Knowledge Religion 2
Ride 2
Sense Motive 4
Heal 5
Handle Animal 3
Knowledge Nobility 1
Diplomacy 3
Survival 3
Listen 1
Intimidate 6
Spot 3

Proficiencies: -

All armour.
All shields.


Great Scimitar.
Splint Armour.

[Make these magic later]


Human: - Scorpion's Resolve. Like the scorpion, you are not easily distracted. +4 to saving throws against mind-affecting spells and ablities.

First: - Scorpion's Sense. You are sensitive to vibrations in the ground and can automatically pinpoint the location of anything that is moving and in contact with the ground so long as it is within 10 feet. This increases to 20 feet if you are in an area covered in a layer of at least 1 inch of ash, dust, loose earth or sand. This ability only tells you what sqaure the creature is in, so you still have the normal miss chance from concealment if you cannot see the creature.

Third: - Martial Instructor. Page 254/255, Book of the righteous.

Fighter feat: - Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Great Scimitar)

200gp, 1d8, 18-20/X2, 8lbs

Fighter Feat: - Blindfight.

Sixth: - Leadership

Mount = Heartless WarHorse

This warhorse's hair is jet-black. It is wreathed in a thin aura of black mist.
It has vague symbols on it which seem to appear and dissapear, as if drawn and erased of their own accord, symbols depicting hearts and runes in blood...


Large Outsider

HD = 4D8 + 12 = 37/37

Iniative = +1

Speed = 50ft. (10 squares)

AC = 16 (-1 size, +1 dex, +6 natural)
Touch = 10
Flat = 15

Base/Grapple = +3/+11

Attack = Hoof +6 melee (1d6+4)

Full Attack = 2 Hooves +6 melee (1d6+4) and bite +1 melee (1d4+2)

Space/Reach = 10ft/5ft

Special Attacks: - When a creature is knocked out or killed by a heartless, the heartless uses the next round to consume that creatures heart, and the body is transported to the Plane of Shadows.

Special Qualities: - Low light vision, scent.

Darkvision 60ft, Create Spawn: Any creature thats heart is consumed by a heartless automatically is revived on the Plane Of Shadows with the Heartless template.

Saves: -

Fort +7
Ref +5
Will +2

Abilities: -

Str 18 +4
Dex 13 +1
Con 17 +3
Int 02 -4
Wis 13 +1
Cha 06 -2

Skills: -

Listen +5
Spot +4

+10 racial to hide.

Feats: -



Silent Spell.

CR = 3

The heartless template is provided by Zal on the DandD Wiki.

New NPCs! with feats and whatnot.

I've finished a few of the NPCs I needed for my campaign, so I figured I'd share them with you.

This one's liable to be rather one as I'm just going to do them all in on post. Yes, I'm that mean.

These are all original characters and as such have no images to accompany them. Two of them are based off of concepts from one of my players, as they're pertinent to her backstory. So for those two, she pretty much dictated what they're like, I just did stats around them.

As I've used stuff from the books, I'll put links pointing to the books...because I'm lovely like that...


And now for the first two. These character's are my own creations and will serve as antagonists and allies, both. The story currently is that a high-level Wizard the party knows has been captured by Shar's forces and is being held in the Shadow Plane. His eyes have been sown shut, his arms have been cut off and he is chained around his neck. He is naked and tortured constantly, having to life in a cell which isn't cleaned and is ignored when he isn't being tortured...

He isn't in a very good state. He just wants to die or have vengeance but he's not allowed to do eithger.

In a moment of madness and grief, he makes a prayer to anyone that will listen.

Alessa answers...

From the arms which were cut off, she forms two henchman. They're first duty is to help the party reach the Wizard and help him escape (which would make them even and she'd given in to his paryer). Once their task is complete, they will serve as Alessa's followers and do her bidding and what-not.

They are simply called "Left" and "Right," after the arms they were raised from. They both have a deathly pallor about them, except for the arm which originally came from the Wizard, which looks completely normal.

And now, to stats!



Medium, Corrupted Human

CR = 7

This figure bears a bronze-like helmet exactly like the Pyramid head, although the figure fits the build of a bulky, muscular human. Most of his features are obscured, his face coverred by the helmet, his hands by black leather gloves and his body by long, grey robes. What little skin can be seen is grey and seems dead, except for his left arm which, if you could see it, would look normal enough.
He wields a longsword seemingly too large for him. It is as tall as he is and seems to have endured a lot of use...

He can also be seen riding his utterly horryifying mount...

Alignment = NE

+4 to natural armour bonus

Damage: Claw's lengthen, teeth multiply, and muscles harden.

Natural damage die increases by one type, as if the creature were one size larger.

Special Qualities: Gains Darkvision with a range of 60 ft.

Gains Acid immunity.

Damage Reduction: - 5/+1

Disruptive Attack (Su): The corrupt creature deals additional Vile damage (chapter 2 of BoVD) when it touches uncorrupted, living, corporeal non-outsiders. [Details are also below]
The amount of Vile Damage dealt is equal to half the creature's Hit Dice (maximum 20 points of damage) [2 in this case.] This applies only to natural attacks.

Enchanced Power (Su): The save DC of any and all of the corrupt creature's special attacks increase by +4.

Fast Healing (Su): Each round, a corrupted creature heals damage equal to half of it's Hit Dice (maximum of 10 points per round healed) [In this case, 2].

Armour Class: -

AC: 10 + Size + Dex + Armour + Natural + Shield

AC =

Touch: 10 + Size + Dex + Deflection

Touch =

Flat: 10 + Size + Armour + Natural + Shield + Deflection


Cleric 3
Fighter 2

Cleric of Alessa

Str 20 +5
Dex 13 +1
Con 22 +6
Int 12 +1
Wis 14 +2
Cha 14 +2

HD = 3d8 (cleric) + 2d10 (fighter)

Cleric BAB Fort Ref Will

3 +2 +3 +1 +3

Fighter BAB Fort Ref Will

2 +2 +3 +0 +0

Total BAB Fort Ref Will

5 +4 +6 +1 +3



2+Int [1] X 4
2 + Int [1]
2 + Int [1]



2 + Int [1]
2 + Int [1]


Concentration 6 Con
Craft Alchemy 2 Int
Heal 4 Wis
Knowledge Religion 2 Int
Spellcraft 2 Int
Spot 1 Wis
Intimidate 3 Cha
Listen 1 Wis
Ride 1 Dex

Proficiencies: -

All Armour,
All Shields


Huge Longsword

60 gp. 3d6 19-20/X2 16lbs Slashing

Armoured Robe (Ultimate Equipment Guide, Volume 1)

This mundane looking garment appears as a typical grey robe. Small, metal plates are woven in to the fabric. Whilst useful, these slightly limit agility and speed.

Medium Armour

55 gp. +3 AC Max Dex = +3 Check -4 Spell Failure = 25% Speed = 20ft/15ft 30lbs.

Pyramid Helmet.

Fashioned to look like the feared helmets of the Red Pyramids, this helmet is made from the dire metal, Dahlium, a metal forged by Alessa herself.
This helmet grants a +1 bonus to AC (stackable with other armour, so long as there is no helmet worn already). [See below for Dahlium].
The inside of the helmet is crafted with padding and inlaid with enchantments to allow it to be worn...

(I wil give stats for the normal version of this, and the Dahlium version)

Normal - Medium Armour

10 gp +1 AC Max Dex (Decrease by 3) Ac Penalty (Stackable -3) Arcane Failure (Stackable 10%) Speed 20ft/15ft 10lbs

Dahlium - Light Armour

2,010gp +1 AC (+2 at night, +3 in Otherworld) AC Penalty = 0 Arcane Failure = 0% Speed 30ft/20ft 5lbs.


Most of these are taken from the Libris Mortis, The Book of the Undead.

1st Level - Tomb Tainted Soul

Prerequisite: Non-good Alignment [General]

Benefit: You are healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy, as if you were an undead creature.
This feat gives no other penalties or benefits of the undead type.


Human - Tomb-Born Resilience [General]

The power of undeath taints you, deadening your mind and body to the effects of mind-controlling magic, poison and disease.

Prerequisite: Non-good alignment, Tomb-tainted Soul.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws made to resist mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison, and disease.

Your nails grow yellow and rotten. Although this change has no efect on the damage of your unarmed strike, most indiviuals find such cretures horrid looking.


3rd Level - Tomb-born Fortitude

The Power of undeath taints your body and soul. It's power has hardenned your flesh and given it the foul look of the grave.

Prerequisite: Nongood alignment, Tomb-tainted Soul.

Benefit: You have a 25% chance to resist critical hits. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored against you, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.
In addition, you do not risk death from massive damage.
Your skin takes on the pallor and texture of dead human flesh.


Fighter Feat 1 - Huge Weapon Proficiency

Prerequisite = Proficiency with Weapon & Str = 19+

Benefit: You can wield a specific weapon that you
take this proficiency with that is two sizes larger than
you. Wielding this weapon requires two hands and all
attacks suffer a -2 circumstance penalty on the attack
rolls. Increasing a weapon’s size by one category
increases its weight four-fold.

Normal: You fall over backwards.

Special: This feat can be taken multiple times, each
time you take this feat it applies to a new weapon.


Fighter Feat 2 - Daunting Presence [General]

Prerequisites: Cha 13, BAB +1

Benefit: You may take a standard action to awe an opponent.
The opponent must be within 30 ft, have line of sight of you, and have an intelligence score.
If the opponent fails a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + Cha modifier), it is shaken for 10 minutes. This feat has no effect on a creature that is already taken.

Special: This may be selected as a fighter feat.





Domains: -

Pain (BoVD)

Granted power: Character converts damage that he deals in one blow per day in to healing for himself, up to 1 point of damage per level.


Granted Power: You may use a death touch once per day. Your death touch is a supernatural ability that produces a death effect.
You must succeed on a melee touch attack against a living creature (using the rules for touch spells). When you touch, roll 1d6 per
cleric level you possess. If the total at least equals the creature’s current hit points, it dies (no save).

Per Day

0-level = 4

1. Read Magic
2. Detect Magic.
3. Slash Tongue* (BoVD)
4. Resistance.

1-level = 2+1+D

1. Bane.
2. Divine Favour.
3. Doom.

D. Cause Fear.

2-level = 1+1+D

1. Spider Legs*. (BoVD)
2. Undetectable Alignment.

D. Death Knell.

Extra Spells: -

Slash Tongue

Transmutation [Evil]

Level: Cleric 0, Sorceror/Wizard 0
Components: V, S.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Close (25ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Target: One living creature with a tongue.
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes.

The subject's tongue gets a thin cut.
The subject takes 1 point of damage and takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks on the following round due to the annoying pain.

Spider Legs


Level: Cleric 2.
Components: V, S, DF.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Personal.
Target: Caster.
Duration: 1 minute/level.

The caster grows four long spider legs from the sides of his torso. He can use these legs to move as a speed of 30 feet, no matter what the caster's normal speed is, as long as he carries less than his maximum load.
The caster can also use these extra legs to climb vertical surfaces or even traverse ceilings as well as a spider does, with his hands completely free. The caser has a climb speed of 15 feet.

A creature with a Strength score of at least 20 +1 per caster level can pull the caster off a wall or ceiling.

!!!Extra Rules!!!

Dahlium Material

A bronzey-looking substance, it is imbued with qualities akin to Alessa's Otherworld.

During the day, the material seems like new brass, though is much, much harder.

During darkness (such as night-time, the plane of shadow, etc), however, the blade appears to turn rusty and battered.
In the Otherworld, the metal does the same.
Despite it's appearance, however, there is no reduction in performance...quite the opposite, in fact.

If the metal is used for Armour, the armour gains a +1 Supernatural bonus to AC. If the armour is in the Otherworld, this bonus increases to +2.

Dahlium armour is treated as being one armour-type lighter for the purposes of movement (just like Mithril - 285 DMG). Heavy armour is treated as medium, medium as light, but light is still light armour.

Spell Failure Chance for armour and shields made from Dahlium are decreasd by 10%, maximum Dexterity bonus is increased by 2, and Armour Check Penalties are lessened by 3 (to a minimum of 0).

If the metal is used for a weapon, the weapon gains a +1 supernatural bonus to attacks and a +2 when in Otherworld.

An item made from Dahlium weighs half as much as the same item made from other metals. In the case of weapons, the lighter weight does not change the weapon's size categor or ease with which it can be wielded.

Items not primarily made from metal do not benefit from being made of Dahlium.

Weapons and Armour fashioned from Dahlium are always masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below.

Anyone Appraising Dahlium suffers a -10 penalty in darkness or in Otherworld, unless they've witnessed Dahlium changing or pass a Knowledge Arcana check of DC 30 [Base, DM may amend based on circumstance].

Type of Dahlium Item Item Cost Modifier

Light Armour + 2,000gp

Medium Armour + 6,000gp

Heavy Armour + 11,000gp

Shield + 3,000gp

Other Items + 1,500gp/lb


Vile Damage

Vile Damage, like regular damage, results in the loss of hit points or ability score points.
Unlike regular damage, vile damage can only be healed within the area of a Consecreate or Hallow spell. Vile damage represents such an evil violation to a character's body or soul that only in a holy place can healing magic repair the damage.


Corrupted Nymph

Fey Mount

Large Fey

HD = 7D6+21 (53)
Iniative = +3
Speed = 35ft (7 squares), Swim 25ft.

AC = 13(+1 dex, +1 deflection, +2 natural armour, -1 size)
Touch = 11
Flat = 12

Base/Grapple = +3/+3

Attack = 1d8 + Str slam attack.

Full attack = none...

Space/Reach = 10ft/5ft

Special Attacks: -

Blinding Beauty; affects all humanoids within 30 feet of the creature. Those who look directly at the creature must succeed on a DC17 Fortitude save or be blinded permanently as though by the Blindness spell. The creature can supress or resume this ability as a free action. The save DC is Charisma based.

Spell-like abilities; 1/day - dimension door. Caster level 7th.

Stunning glance; As a standard action, the creature can stun another creature within 30 feet with a wrathful look. The target creature must succeed on a DC 17 Fortitude save or be stunned for 2D4 rounds. The save is Charisma based.

Special Qualities: - Damage Reduction 10/cold iron

Low-light vision.

Unearthly grace; The creature adds it's charisma modifier as a bonus on all it's saving throws and as a deflection bonus to it's armour class.

Wild empathy; works like a druid's wild-empathy ability, except the creature has a +6 on the check.

Skills: -

+8 racial bonus on any swim check to avoid hazard or take special action. Can run, so long as it's a straight line. Can always take 10 on a swim check.

Saves: -

Fort +7
Ref +12
Will +12

Abilities: -

Str 12
Dex 15
Con 16
Int 10
Wis 08
Cha 12

Feats: - Dodge, Weapon Finesse.

CR = 8

Alignment = LE

The creature has the appearance of a large, naked woman with long coppery hair, perfect skin, large eyes and long, swept back ears.

It was once a nymph, a long time ago but has been corrupted and perverted and now is a haplessly loyal beast of burden, serving as a mount of dark powers.

This once large-fey has been bred with a contorted and strengthened spine and back, leaving it hunched over, therefore it uses it's hands to walk as if it were a quadraped.

This poor creature wears a bondage-esque saddle, which a rider can comfortably sit on. It seems cruel to look at; a vile mix of sexually perverted masochistic apparel and bridle equipment.

Is capable of basic speech and speaks with a slow drawl, with a seductive purr to it.



Medium, Shadow Human

Clad in long, black robes with the arcane symbol of the Halo of the Sun on the back, this figure clasps a bronze dagger and is followed by an undead cat seemingly reconstructed from the parts of formerly living cats.

His beard is shabby and his skin is dead-looking, except for his right arm which looks completely healthy.

CR = 7

Alignment = NE

Speed = 30ft

Special Qualities: -

Resistance to Cold = 11

Darkvision out to 60ft.

Low-light vision.

Shadow Blend (Su): In any other conditions other than full daylight, a shadow creature can dissapear into the shadows, giving it total concealment.
Artificial illuminations, even a Light or Continual Flame spell, does not negate this ability, but a Dalight spell will.

Plane Shift Ability (Sp): He can Plane Shift to or from the Shadow Plane to the Material Plane once a day. Caster Level = 15th.

6 Wizard

Str 11 +0
Con 11 +0
Dex 14 +2
Int 16 +3
Wis 17 +3
Cha 12 +1

HD = 6 X d4 + (Con X Char level [0])



6 +3 +2 +2 +5


Skills: -

(2 + Int [3]) X 4 = 20

2 + 3 X 5 = 25

Concentration 9 Con
Decipher Script 6 Int
Knowledge Arcana 5 Int
Knowledge Planes 4 Int
Knowledge Religion 3 Int
Spellcraft 7 Int
Craft Alchemy 5 Int
Spot 1 Wis
Listen 1 Wis
Survival 1 Wis

+6 Racial on Move Silently.


Proficiencies: -

Heavy Crossbow,
Light Crossbow,
No armour or shield.


Speaks: -



Gear: -

Shadow Robes - Jet-Black Robes with the Halo of the Sun on the back in dark grey stylised embroidery.
These robes blur the wearer whenever they try to hide, granting them a +5 competence bonus on Hide checks.

Faint Illusion; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Invisibility; Price +3,750

Costs 3,800 gp.


Dahlium Dagger

Damage 1d4 (1d4+1 in darkness, 1d4+2 in Otherworld) Crit = 19-20/X2 Range inc = 10ft. 0.5lbs

Piercing and Slashing.






Most of these are taken from the Libris Mortis, The Book of the Undead.

1st Level - Tomb Tainted Soul

Prerequisite: Non-good Alignment [Gneral]

Benefit: You are healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy, as if you were an undead creature.
This feat gives no other penalties or benefits of the undead type.


Human - Tomb-Born Resilience [General]

The power of undeath taints you, deadening your mind and body to the effects of mind-controlling magic, poison and disease.

Prerequisite: Non-good alignment, Tomb-tainted Soul.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws made to resist mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison, and disease.

Your nails grow yellow and rotten. Although this change has no efect on the damage of your unarmed strike, most indiviuals find such cretures horrid looking.


3rd Level - Tomb-born Fortitude

The Power of undeath taints your body and soul. It's power has hardenned your flesh and given it the foul look of the grave.

Prerequisite: Nongood alignment, Tomb-tainted Soul.

Benefit: You have a 25% chance to resist critical hits. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored against you, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.
In addition, you do not risk death from massive damage.
Your skin takes on the pallor and texture of dead human flesh.


6th Level - Stitched Flesh Familiar [General]

When you are ready and able to acquire a nw familiar, you may choose to gain a stitchd flesh familiar.

Prerequisites: Ability to acquire a new familiar, ability to cast three or more necromancy spells.

Benefit: When choosing a familiar, you may choose a stitched flesh familiar.
A stitched flesh familiar appears similar to any of the standard familiars available in the Player's Handbook, except that the stitched flesh familiar is obviously sewn together from many different creatures of that kind and, to the practised eye, is clearly undead.

A stitched flesh familiar is magically linked to it's master in the same way as a normal familiar. A stitched flesh familiar uses the basic statistics for a creature of it's kind, as given in the Monster Manual, except as noted below:

Hit Dice: A stitched flesh famliar has a D12 hit Die and gains no bonus hit points from Constitution (since it is an undead creature). For effects that depend upon Hit Dice, use the master's character level or the familiar's normal Hit Dice total, whichever is higher.

Hit Points: Use 1/2 the master's total or the familiar's normal total, whichever is higher.

Attacks: Use the master's BAB or the familiar's, whichever is higher.

Saving Throws: For each saving throw, use either the familiar's base save bonus or the master's (as calculated from his character level), whichever is higher.

Familiar special abilities: Use the second table in the Familiars sidebar on page 52 on the Player's Handbook to determine additional abilities, just as you would for a normal familiar.
Stitched flesh familiars do not grant their masters any of the benefits that appear on the first table in that sidebar. Instead of the noted special ability, a stitched flesh familiar grants it's master the ability to control 4 more Hit Dice of undead than he is normally capable of controlling (both through the rebuke undead ability and through spells such as Animate Dead).


Wizard Bonus - Scribe Scroll


Wizard Bonus - Brew Potion


Spells per day: -

0-level 4
1-level 3+1
2-level 3+1
3-level 2+1

Spells marked with "¬" are from the Libris Mortis, The Book of the Undead.

Spells marked with "*" are from the Book of Vile Deeds.

Spell Book: -


All cantrips from Player's Handbook.



Summon Undead I¬,
Ectoplasmic Armour¬,
Necrotic Awareness¬,
Endure Elements,
Magic Misile,
Magic Weapon.,
Tongue Tendrils*,



Summon Undead II¬,
Necrotic Cyst¬,
Melf's Acid Arrow,
Detect Thoughts,
Cat's Grace,
Grazz'zt's Long Grasp*.



Summon Undead III¬,
Phantom Steed,
Hold Person,
Lightning Bolt,
Keen Edge,
Tongue Serpants*,
Wall of Chains*.


!!!Extra Rules!!!

Dahlium Material

A bronzey-looking substance, it is imbued with qualities akin to Alessa's Otherworld.

During the day, the material seems like new brass, though is much, much harder.

During darkness (such as night-time, the plane of shadow, etc), however, the blade appears to turn rusty and battered.
In the Otherworld, the metal does the same.
Despite it's appearance, however, there is no reduction in performance...quite the opposite, in fact.

If the metal is used for Armour, the armour gains a +1 Supernatural bonus to AC. If the armour is in the Otherworld, this bonus increases to +2.

Dahlium armour is treated as being one armour-type lighter for the purposes of movement (just like Mithril - 285 DMG). Heavy armour is treated as medium, medium as light, but light is still light armour.

Spell Failure Chance for armour and shields made from Dahlium are decreasd by 10%, maximum Dexterity bonus is increased by 2, and Armour Check Penalties are lessened by 3 (to a minimum of 0).

If the metal is used for a weapon, the weapon gains a +1 supernatural bonus to attacks and a +2 when in Otherworld.

An item made from Dahlium weighs half as much as the same item made from other metals. In the case of weapons, the lighter weight does not change the weapon's size categor or ease with which it can be wielded.

Items not primarily made from metal do not benefit from being made of Dahlium.

Weapons and Armour fashioned from Dahlium are always masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below.

Anyone Appraising Dahlium suffers a -10 penalty in darkness or in Otherworld, unless they've witnessed Dahlium changing or pass a Knowledge Arcana check of DC 30 [Base, DM may amend based on circumstance].

Type of Dahlium Item Item Cost Modifier

Light Armour + 2,000gp

Medium Armour + 6,000gp

Heavy Armour + 11,000gp

Shield + 3,000gp

Other Items + 1,500gp/lb


Familiar: -

Vorador the stitched-flesh Cat.

Ability Granted - Ability to control 4 more Hit Dice of undead than he is normally capable of controlling (both through the rebuke undead ability and through spells such as Animate Dead).

HD = 6 X D12

= 33/33

Use master's BAB and saves.

Tiny Undead

Iniative = +2

Speed = 30ft

AC = 14 (+2 size, +2 dex)
Touch = 14
Flat = 12

Attack = Claw +4 melee (1d2-4)

Full Attack = 2 claws (1d2-4) and bite -1 melee (1d3-4)

Space/Reach = 2-1/2 ft/0 ft.

Special Qualities = Low light Vision, SCcent

Saves: -

Fort +2
Ref +4
Will +5 (Uses Wizard's as it's higher)

Abilities: -

Str 03
Dex 15
Con --
Int 02
Wis 12
Cha 07

Skills: -

Balance +10
Climb +6
Hide +14
Jump +10
Listen +3
Move Silently +6
Spot +3

+4 Racial on Climb, Hide and Move Silently.
+8 Racial on Balance.

Uses Dex mod instead of strength for Climb and Jump checls.

In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the racial bonus to the Hide skill rises to +8.

Feats: -

Weapon Finesse

CR = 1/4


And now on to two NPCs done for the story of the Cleric in my campaign. Finn is an old friend ho went darkside and Kansei is her mentor, a busty, interesting cleric of Mytra. I just did the stats and filled in the blanks.


Name - Finn

Left the monastery at about fourteen.

If allowed to repent, he will escape and go looking for the city of Angia...
He knows about it, because he's coordinated the captured of two C.O. agents, who revealed it's existance under torture.
If he doesn't repend, his mission was to seek it out and report it's location to the Clergy, a well as report the new location of the Evosan colony.


"Koma" (Real Name = Finn Teel)


Shaved head.

A little older than Nailo.

Anxious during youth. Was a nervous child and blamed his own bad behaviour as a child for the percieved scorn he feels from dillusions of his mother returning.

He also developed a false persona of a happy child in order to protect his friend, Nailo.

He couldn't take the lies anymore and left.

He didn't get to see the body of his parents and didn't get a chance to say goodbye.

Str 12 +1
Dex 14 +2
Con 12 +1
Int 10 +0
Wis 11 +0
Cha 12 +1

Level 6 human ranger.

Perhaps wanderred for a time and was a ranger...

"Evil rangers, though rare, are much to be
feared. They revel in nature’s thoughtless
cruelty and seek to emulate her most fearsome
predators. They gain divine spells just as good
rangers do, for nature herself is indifferent to
good and evil"

Found himself on the shadow plane...

Will have: -

Knowledge Religion (Low)
Knowledge (Planes)


54 points.

Knowledge Religion (Low) 1
Knowledge (Planes) 2
Survival 7
Craft Alchemy 4
Healing 2
Listen 7
Spot 7
Search 6
Move Silently 7
Concentration 3
Handle Animal 5

Bitter and cruel. He wants the world to suffer as he suffered. He still has loving feelings for Nailo, which he denies and buries deep down.

Has feral wolf for familiar.

Specialises in diseases...and causing them.


Blood Glutton [Longsword]

2,560 gp.

+1 to Hit.

1d8 (Medium) 19-20/X2 4lbs Slashing

Everytime this weapon deal damage to a creature with blood, it gains 1 blood point.
When the weapon has 5 blood points, it can deal an aditional 1 point of damage at the user's behest (spending the blood points).
The weapon can stor up to 50 blood points, allowing an aditional 10 points of damage, usable at once or divided up over a number of attacks.

CL = 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Bestow Curse; Vampiric Touch; Market Price: +1 bonus



+1 Battle Axe. [+1 to hit & +1 to damage]

2,510 gp.

1d8 [Medium] X3 6lbs Slashing


"Pain Shroud" [Robes marked with the Oricalum Nox emblem on the back. Shifts between black and red colours, almost hypnotically.]

Has a "Masochism" spell in constant effect on the robes.

18,500 gp

Enchantment [Evil]

Level: Assassin 3, Blackguard 3, Cleric 3, Soreceror/Wizard 2.
Components: v, S, M.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Personal.
Target: Caster.
Duraton: 1 round/level.

For every 10 points of damage the caster (or in this case, wearer) takes in a given round, he gains a +1 luck bonus on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks made in the following round.
The more damage the caster takes, the greater the luck bonus.
It's possible to get a luck bonus in multiple rounds if the caster takes damage in more than one round during the spell's duration (as these robes have a constant's likely).

Material Components: A leather strap that has been soaked in the caster's blood.

!!!Class Feats!!!

Proficiencies: - Simple & Martial Weapons , Light Armour and shields (except tower)

Favoured Enemy - Animal - +4

Favoured Enemy - Undead - +2


Wild Empathy.

Two-weapon combat fighting style (counts as having two weapon fighting feat.)

Also, Improved Two weapon fighting.



Entangle, once a day.



Lunatic: -

+1 to all attack rolls, fortitude saves, reflex saves and charisma modified checks whenever the moon is more than half full. This bonus rises to +2 during the three night period of the full mon. During thethree night period of the new moon, it's -2. The modifiers are reversed for will saves: +2 during new moon, -1 during more than half full moon, -2 during full moon. Ex. quality.

1st Level

Self Sufficient

At 3rd level.

Feral Animal Companion. (Champons of Ruin)

Instead of calling a normal animal companion, you can call a Feral Animal Companion that foams at the mouth. Any creature harmed by the animal's bite attack must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract Red Ache (DM's guide, page 292). This disease has no harmful effect onthe Feral Animal. In addition, your feral animal gains a +2 bonus to Strength and Constitution. Attempts by others to influene your feral companion with Handle Animal checks take a -10 penalty.

Special: This does not transform a normal companion in to a feral one.

6th level




A volumptious woman, (partly)dressed in the garbs indicative of Mystra. She is a lithe figure and beautiful to look at and her demeaner indicates that she, not only isn't afraid to use that, but is proud of her form.

As wel as this, she is a charismatic and good person and is adept and turning evil to good.

Alignment = LG

Medium, Human

Level 7 Cleric of Mystra

Languages: Common

Str 10 +0
Dex 12 +1
Con 12 +1
Int 13 +1
Wis 15 +2
Cha 16 +3



7 X d8 + 7 (Con bonus X level)





Concentration 4 Con
Diplomacy 3 Cha
Bluff 3 Cha
Knowledge Religion 5 Int
Knowledge Arcana 5 Int
Spellcraft 5 Int
Spot 1 Wis

Bonuses: -

+2 Concentration
+2 Spellcraft
+5 Diplomacy
+4 Bluff
+1 Perform


Proficiencies: -

All Armour,
All Shilds (except Tower).


BAB = +5

Fort = +5

Ref = +2

Will = +5


Spells per day: -

0-level 6

1-level 4+1+D

2-level 3+1+D

3-level 2+D

4-level 1+D


1. Create Water
2. Detect Magic
3. Guidance
4. Read Magic
5. Light
6. Virtue


1. Bless
2. Command
3. Detect Evil
4. Divine Favour
5. Shielf of Faith

D. Protection from Evil.


1. Augury
2. Consecreate
3. Bull's Strength
4. Shield Other

D. Aid.


1. Prayer
2. Create Food and wWater

D. Magic Circle Against Evil.


1. Divination

D. Holy Smite.

Domains: -

Good & Spell


Good: -

Granted Power: You cast spells at +1 caster level.


Spell: -

Granted Power: You get a +2 bonus on Concentration and Spellcraft checks.



1-level - Fair Visage (General) (Ultimate Feats - Mongoose Publishing)

You are unually comely for your race and gender, something you are well skilled in using to your advantage.
Others find you pleasant to look at and you can usually dominate a conversation or gathering through apperance alone.

Benefits: You gain a +1 to Diplomacy and Perform checks if the audience ivolved is primarily made of beings that would find you attractive.


Human - Seduction (General) (Ultimate Feats by Mongoose Publishing)

Benefit: Sex sells and friends can be won by seduction. You get a +4 bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy attempts against people who find your race and gender sexually attractive.

After you use this feat, some people might seek to be itimate with you. They will resent a blunt rejection, worseing their attitude towards you one step.

Notes: Using this feat a lot might give you some notoriety.


3-level - Reform (Book of Hallowed Might) (General)

You bring an evil creature into the light and show it the right
and proper path.

Prerequisites: Charisma 15, good alignment

Benefit: You use logic, moral lessons, persuasion, and
kindness to turn someone from the path of evil. After you
speak with an evil creature individually for at least one hour
per day, for one day per level of the creature, the creature
must make a Will saving throw (Difficulty Class equals your
Diplomacy skill bonus). If the saving throw fails, the creature
moves one step in alignment closer to you. For example, if a
lawful good cleric attempts to reform a captive chaotic evil
umber hulk, a failed save results in the umber hulk’s alignment
changing to either neutral evil or chaotic neutral, as
the DM considers appropriate. Further successful attempts
at reformation move the creature’s alignment closer toward
yours. The reformed creature suffers no penalties for changing

The Difficulty Class is further modified by penalties or
bonuses that the DM deems appropriate. Reforming an evil
human may be easier than reforming a dark elf, which may
be easier than reforming a night hag. (Some creatures, like
demons, may very well be impossible to reform.) Further,
conditions can modify the saving throw by +/–2, depending
on how well you treat the creature.
A character can attempt to reform only one creature at a
time. A creature to be reformed must have Intelligence and
Charisma scores of at least 3. Note: DMs should decide for
themselves whether this feat can be used against player characters
in their campaigns.


6-level - Reform (Book of Hallowed Might) (General)

You skillfully bring an evil creature into the light and show it
the right and proper path.
Prerequisites: Reform†, Charisma 15, good alignment
Benefit: As Reform (see above), but you require only half
the number of days listed there to make a check. In addition,
the creature type does not modify the Difficulty Class,
although conditions can still influence the saving throw.


There you are, all done.

Enjoy ^_^

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Update to Silent Hill Mist Rules...and an idea.

Wel I've found a suitable template...and I didn't have to make it myself.

I've had a look at it, and as it happen, it's perfect already.

I may make addendums to allow extra stuff. Methinks tat should be far less complicate than making a template from scratch.

I wont be posting the template though. I'm afraid you'll have to buy the book, but I firmly believe that is is the best D&D supplement out there, so it's worth getting it.

Anyhow, it's the Corrupted Creature template from the Book of Vile Darkness. I WILL however, post some creatures later after having applied the template. That'll mean me rewriting my Grey Children. I'll not do a Pyramid Head as I'm pretty sure they only appear in Otherworld anyway...but we'll see.

Originally, I'd made a Pyramid Head and Grey CHildren...but they'd been scaled down so that my party (at the time, only level 3) could tackle them. Now methinks I'll do them more "realistically" (for lack of a better word).

If anybody would like to help, that'd be appreciated.

In other news, this gave me an idea...of sorts.

I'm restraining myself from testing all of these in my campaign. For the most part this blog is so that I can get all of my ideas out of the way so that I'm not tempted to put them in my normal campaign. One of my players is very keen on playing a "Vanilla" campaign and hates it when I do stuff that isn't in the monster manual or DM's guide...Oh well...

But I'd like to know if any of these work. Now I've restricted aspects of my homebrew stuff to a set of islands west of Maztica, in my campaign setting. However, if I'm gonig to share these with you all then I'll have to know how well they work on a larger scale. With that in mind, I would like to come up with my own campaign setting...a setting which will seamlesly combine everything I come up with. For example, there's already a Naruto D20 setting, but it can't be slotted in to a standard D&D game. Hopefully, my rules can...the same goes for my Silent Hill rules.

So what does this mean? Well I would like to collaborate with anyone who wants to help, to come up with a way of combining everything so that they'll all work seamlesly together.

It's probably a fool's errand...but it sounds fun...right?

Methinks this is essentially a premise for a bizare free-for-all Smash Brothers-esque D&D setting...but I don't care. I'm fascinated to see if i can be done. So long as we're clever and patient, I believe it's doable.

Anyhow, get in touch if you'd like to help...

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Naruto D&D rules Part 2!

Ok, first regeneration of chakra points.

Methinks an hour per point sounds reasonable. Also, if the character's HP is also less than 0, Chakra begins falling at a rate of 2 per round.

Secondly...The Prototype of the "Kishimoto Ninja" clss to go with these rules!

HD = D6

Get a ninja or fighter (there's no reason why they should, but methinks there's no real reason why they shouldn't get fighter's ones too either) feat at second level and every other level after that.

Get Light Armour Proficiency at 6th level.

Important stats! Con, Wis and Str.


Class Skills: -

Gather Information,
Handle Animal,
Move Silently,
Open Lock,
Sense Motive,
Sleight of Hand,
Use Chakra.

If you use extra skills in your campaign, it is at the DM's discretion to add these to the list.


Skill Points at first = 6+ Int Mod X 4

Skill Points at Level up = 6 + Int Mod


Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: -

Kunai, Katana, Dagger, Kama, Nunchaku, Sai, Siangham, Bolas. No Armour (I'll do ANBU vests later...they'll be light armour). [These are just from the player's handbook (except the Katana, that's the DM's guide]. With such a wide variety of extra weapons out there, the DM may add others at his discretion] When using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a ninja loses her AC bonus (See abilities)


Special Abilities (With references to their page numbers in the player's handbook or explanation if they aren't in there)

1st level - Sneak Attack + 1d6 [Page50], AC Bonus [Page 40 (Also below)]

2nd level - Evasion [Page 50]

3rd level - Sneak Attack + 2d6

4th level - Trap Sense +1 [Page 50], Uncanny Dodge [Page 50]

5th level - Sneak Attack + 3d6, AC Bonus +1

7th level - Sneak Attack + 4d6, Trap Sense +2

8th level - Improved Uncanny Dodge [Page 50]

9th level - Sneak Attack + 5d6

10th level - Trap Sense +3, Special Ability (See below), AC Bonus +2

11th level - Sneak Attack + 6d6

13th level - Sneak Attack + 7d6, Trap Sense +4, Special Ability

15th level - Sneak Attack + 8d6, AC Bonus +3

16th level - Trap Sense +5, Special Ability

17th level - Sneak Attack + 9d6

19th level - Sneak Attack + 10d6, Trap Sense +6, Special Ability

20th level - AC Bonus +4

Special Abilities: On attaining 10th level, and at every three
levels thereafter (13th, 16th, and 19th), the ninja gains a special ability of her choice from among the following options.

Crippling Strike (Ex): A ninja with this ability can sneak attack opponents with such precision that her blows weaken and hamper them. An opponent damaged by one of her sneak attacks also takes 2 points of Strength damage. Ability points lost to damage return on their own at the rate of 1 point per day for each damaged ability.

Defensive Roll (Ex): The ninja can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than she otherwise would. Once per day, when she would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), theninja can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this ability, the ninja must attempt a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If the save succeeds, she takes only half damage from the blow; if it fails, she takes full damage. She must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute her defensive roll— if she is denied her Dexterity bonus to AC, she can’t use this ability. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the ninjaq’s evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll.

Improved Evasion (Ex): This ability works like evasion, except that while the ninja still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks such as a dragon’s breath weapon or a fireball, henceforth she henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless ninja (such as one who is unconscious or paralysed) does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

Opportunist (Ex): Once per round, the ninja can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack counts as the ninja’s attack of opportunity for that round. Even a ninja with the Combat Reflexes feat can’t use the opportunist ability more than once per round.

Skill Mastery: The ninja becomes so certain in the use of certain skills that she can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. Upon gaining this ability, she selects a number of skills equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier. When making a skill check with one of these skills, she may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent her from doing so. A ninja may gain this special ability multiple times, selecting additional skills for it to apply to each time.

Feat: A ninja gain a bonus feat in place of a special ability.

AC Bonus (Ex): A ninja is highly trained at dodging blows, and she has a sixth sense that lets her avoid even unanticipated attacks.

When unarmored and unencumbered, the ninja adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her AC. In addition, a ninja gains a +1 bonus to AC at 5th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every five ninja levels thereafter (+2 at 10th, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th level).
These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the ninja is flat-footed. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor other than light (instead decreasing by 2), when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load.

Unarmed Strike: The Ninja gains Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat at first level and functions like the monk's. [Page 41]

Saves: - The BAB, Fort, Ref and Will are the same as the Monk's [Page 40]

I'll release more Naruto D20 stuff as I think of it, but methinks this class is done ^_^

New Weapon Property - Soul Stealer, Spirit Stealer, Talent Thief (you decide)

I've done three versions of this, each different in price.

If this blade is used to coup de grace a target and it kills them (...obvious, no?) the enchantment on the blade takes a portion of the slain person and gives it to the wielder. The wielder is allowed to keep this feat until the next sundown/sunrise/noon (chosen by the person or thing that makes the blade at the time it is made).
You do not have to meet the prerequisites of the feat to be able to steal it and can use it without prerequisites. However, if the DM rules that a species or template-dependant prerequisite is demanded of the feat's description, he may rule that you take on traits from that species, as nessessary.

You may only steal one feat at a time and once a feat is stolen, no more can be taken by this sword until the feat taken goes away. To clarify, so long as you have the feat taken by this sword (even if somehow you've managed to keep it), the power of this sword no longer works, for you or for anyone.

You reroll if a feat is taken which you already have (except stackable ones).

There are 3 versions of this.

Version 1: This only works once, then the sword is an ordinary Masterwork Blade. +1 enhancement bonus to price.

Version 2: Has 10 charges (though still works only once a day). +3 enhancement when determining price.

Version 3: Has infinite charges...still works only once a day though. +5 enhancement to price.


And now, an application of this. The image for this is an example of how it could look and is at the top. It as done by an artist called Masda. Please support him by visiting his gallery. This is the Blade of the Saint (and will tie in to a prestige class I'll post up later) and was used by a legendary cleric of Oghma in times past. It's whereabouts are currently unknown...

It is a type 3 Soul Taking sword and so can take one feat a day, for so long as it is in working order.

Rules Addon - Naruto D&D - Fits anywhere...probably...

I'm (hopefully) not going to devote too much time to this as it was only supposed to be an errand thought...but here goes.

I've decided to do Jutsus as feats...feats that also need a Chakra Use skill.

I shall explain why. Using chakra is something that, in theory, everybody can do and each jutst is learned and used mor like feats than magic. You learn them once and can do them as many times as you like during the day, provided you have chakra...unlike the magic system in D&D. I've done a system of chakra reserve and I'll get to that in a bit.

Anyhow, each of these feats will have prerequisites...minimum skill ranks in the Use Chakra skill. This is because being able to use chakra in the first place is neccesary in order to use jutsus...simple enough? !Update! These will all be [Ninja] Feats, and be gained automatically every so often by the Ninja Class I made in another post.

This skill is also used for two things: -

1 - Determining ability to use the skill. The modifier for this is Wisdom. Therefore, ranks plus wisdom bonus.

2 - Determining how often jutsus can be used. The modifier for this is Constitution. Therefore, chakra points per day is Skill ranks plus Con bonus, plus Ninja level (so it's easier for ninjas to actually use them).

If you get to 0 in chakra reserve, you CAN do more...but it does temporary Constitution damage.


I'm adding Genjutsu and Ninjutsu as skills.

I may add Taijutsu, but that's physical combat and mthinks that's represented a lot already by feats and the like.

As for Genjutsu and Ninjutsu, the way I see it working is that you gain a chance to dispell Genjutsus with that skill and Ninjutsu is essentially Spellcraft for Jutsus. It'll probably have other uses too...I'm not sure.

As for how chakra the time of writing, I'd not figured it out, but now I've updated and it's in a later post. [EDIT - I did!]

Also, you can't have ranks in this skill if you don't have a soul. Chakra is the soul, essentially, afterall.

Handseals must be performed in order to do these they're essentially somatic components. The trick is, do I allow things without hands to do them, like other somatic components...or do I do it faithfully to the series and they have to be specific hand seals. For humans, this makes little difference (as well as most humanoid species) but it will make the difference between a dragon being able to do it or not...

Also, I think it'd be alright to have a feat that enables you to do them one-handed.

As for another one that allows no handed...I'm not sure. Moving on...

As for the jutsus themelves...they're essentially feats. They have prerequisites and what not. However, since they're also magical-ish...To learn these complex techniques, you have to spend time to learn them. The time is the same amount of weeks + the amount of prerequisites to gain the feat (not including prerequisites concerning alignment or ability numbers {such as strength and whatnot}), divided by 2, minimum time 1 week.

And the jutsus I've already prepared.

All of these require that the person have ranks in Chakra Use. This can't be used untrained. This prerequisite also doesn't count towads the time it takes to learn it.


Chakra Focus - The user can focus their chakra better. User can run up walls. Same as spider climb ability, but can only be performed with run actions. Must have chakra reserve left to perform. Can not perform with 0 chakra with Con as a replacement.

Chakra Focus 2 - Allows Waterwalking as a spell like ability. Cannot be used at 0 chakra.
(Prerequisite - Chakra Focus 1)

Chakra Focus 3 - Allows spiderclimb ability. Costs 1 chakra reserve point per round.
(Prerequisite - Chakra Focus 1 & 2)

Medical Ninja - (Prerequisite: Chakra Focus 1) - You gain Cure Minor Wounds as a Supernatural Ability. Costs 1 chakra reserve point per round.

Medical Ninja 2 - (Prerequisite: Chakra Focus 1 & Previous Medical Ninja feats) - You gain Cure Light Wounds as a Supernatural Ability. Costs 1 chakra reserve point per round.

Medical Ninja 3 - (Prerequisite: Chakra Focus 2 & Previous Medical Ninja feats) - You gain Cure Moderate Wounds as a Supernatural Ability. Costs 2 chakra reserve points per round.

Medical Ninja 4 - (Prerequisite: Chakra Focus 3 & Previous Medical Ninja feats) - You gain Cure Serious Wounds as a Supernatural Ability. Costs 2 chakra reserve point per round.

Henge - The same as the disguise skill. Can be synergised with Disguise, if you have the neccessary minimum ranks for synergy. Costs 1 chakra point per ten minutes use (10 rounds).

Bunshin - This jutsu creates the visual illusion of yourself. This illusion cannot speak but can move around. You can move the image within a radius equal to miles X your wisdom modifier + 50o feet. Costs 1 chaka point for each Bunshin created.

Kage Bunshin (Prerequisite: Bunshin*) - The bunshin is a copy of you in every way. It can use any jutsus you know and anything it learns when it dispells, you now know. This can be used to cheat with learning skills and whatnot (if your DM makes you take time out to do it). To make this copy, you must sacrifice chakra points. 1 point goes to creating the body and the rest is the kage bunshin's chakra reserve. If the original person loses chakra points or becomes unconscious, then the bunshin's dispell. This is because they have an intangible link to the user.

And now, to tackle bloodlines.

Bloodlined abilities are ALSO feats..but having these is part of having an inherited template.

It's simply called the Bloodline template as it's remarkably simple. You can only get bloodline feats if you have this template and have the neccessary prerequisites. For example. To get Sharingan 2 you not only need the template, but Sharingan 1.

I'm not sure whether to do level adjustments as the amount of bloodlined feats -1 (rounded down to nearest 1) or whether each individual bloodline feat will hav their own level adjustment.

Oh well. That's all I have for now. Input would be appreciated.

I'll work on this later, using one of my own Naruto RP charaters as a base.

Until then, have fun folks...