Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Acck, an update!

I've been somewhat quiet over the last few months though that's not to say that I've not been doing anything.

Of minor importance is that I've been working on my stat blocks. Up until now I've been doing them in a non-standard form (which was apparently only convenient to me) so I'll be working on a more standardised system (so that you can all use what I produce).

This has ramifications on a greater project, which I'm begin to work on now.

This project is a more standardised version of the 3.5 rules of D&D, which I'm calling D&D Synergy, or 3.S.

Now bear with me and I shall explain.

I was mulling over the various RPG forums out on the vast expanse of the internets and it occured to me that many people are eager to roleplay their favourite series, games, etc. That got me thinking; why use a forum when there's a perfectly good D20 system not being used? This is why I'm issuing a call-to-arms, of sorts to help me with a unified fandom project, creating rulesets (or "builds", as I've found myself calling them in my notes) for each of the universes that folks want to play with.

Not only do I want to try and do builds for each universe, but I want to do them in a way that they can be synergised. This achieves two goals:

1. It assures that each universe is balanced against each other.

2. It gave me the idea of a Smash Bros. style build to accompany the project.

In any case, it's still early days yet but the forum is up, at least. So if you're interested, join up and get posting and I'll keep you all updated.

In the meantime, I'll put up sections and offer support for any fandom you want to contribute to and I'll be working on getting a wiki sorted to more easily compile submissions and contributions.

Personally, I'm intrigued by a Naruto build (seeing as I've already got some notes down on that) and a Kingdom Hearts build.

And finally, I'll also be happy to provide support and room for original projects, also.

Well, I've rambled enough. I'll bring you some updates within the next fortnight.

Have fun folks ^_^

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