Well, not so much as a prelude...but simply my ideas for a new set of rules...in note form.
You see, I've worked out (mostly) a way to implement the Foggy and Otherworld environments from Silent Hill...and since one of my evil Deities is Alessa herself, it seemed only right that I show her off once. I'm thinking of having her take over the role of "main villain" once my players have beaten Shar and her cronies. Still, the plot's still in planning.
In any case. First of all, a mist will descend on whatever town it is that Alessa wants taken. This is where my notes come in...
(I bet you're wondering why I gave you a screenshot instead of copying the text...it's because I'm a fiend...)
So yeah. A mist descends (which conforms to the rules of mist in the DM's guide...it may be the DM's guide 2. I'm not sure, to be honest.
Not only this, but regardless of whether the character is in the Misty Zone or the Otherworld version, they make 2 will saves daily, a third if either of the first two are failed.
These saves serve to destabalise the character's mind. The thinking behind the modifiers is that chaotic minds are more resistant to chaotic thoughts and images (having to deal with them themselves anyway) and the Good V Evil Modifier is because the good will have better resistance to being tempted.
Anyhow, once a character is in a sufficiently maddened state, Alessa (or one of her Clerics) will offer salvation if they agree to join Alessa's faith. This will obviously require a will save (with probably eavy modifiers due to the daily will saves). Hence, a character converts.
The Zone will be split in to two "worlds." One will be simply the town as-is with the mist and the occasional Abberation (modelled on subconscious fears tailored to the characters, as well as ones from the games...I've already done Grey Children and Pyramid head but I want to redo them...). However, occasionally (I'm thinking a percentage roll?) there will be the sound of an air-raid siren. When this happens, everything will go black.
Over the course of three rounds, the area will gradually get darker. I'll work out specific rules later. For now though, I'm thinking that concealment increases by a certain amount every round? Perhaps a straight 30 percent, so it's (roughly) the same every round.
For one round after that, the area is under the affect of a Darkness spell, however nothing can dispell it for that round.
The round after that, light returns, but ambient light levels are classed as deep shadow (whatever the DM's guide says that is).
The creatures that I'll have come up with will be increased in hardness and made to look worse in appearance.
I may work out an "Otherworld" template, which can be applied.
It will essentially mean that the monster grows stronger, increass in CR (obviously) loks more terrifying or gruesome (or both) and receives the Undead subtype.
I'll also make it so that any undead become Abberations with Undead as the subtype...to explain corpes comnig to life in evil forms, etc, like the Janitor in the Film.
Still, that's to be tidid up at a later date. I just wanted to share thoughts.
If you folks have any ideas, I'd be happy to hear them.
It's a shame I don't use Ravenloft rules, or this'd be a good addition.
Mental note...as part of this template, all creatures get "cause fear" effect-type attack of some description...
It'll be my first time making a template too, so I'd appreciate help balancing it.
1 comment:
On second thoughts..I'll only apply the template to mindless undead, which wil be under Alessa's or her clergy's power...and they'll gain the Abberation type with undead sup-type but will still be controllable as if they were ordinary undead...
Hmmm, that sems right.
Undead with intelligence scores will be immune.
And obviously the dead will become these fiendish undead.
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