This is another Deity I'm using in my foreign pantheon. However this one isn't quite as original as the last one. I originally included her in a mini-campaign...in a sort of "practise run" for the eventual campaign. I liked the idea of what she could stand for though and figured that she'd make a decent Deity.
This Alessa is a hybradised version of the game and movie canon.
She was summoned by a madman from another dimensio. As such, she is only a reflection of the original "Alessa," but she is still afforded great power. She is a perversion of a young girl's wish for revenge, embodied in several forms.
I'll post the rules for "Liquid Pain" in a later entry, with another Deity who needs the rules.
Before then, you'll have to wait or buy the relevent book.
Alessa: -
Alignment = CE
Prefered Weapon = Knife (Dagger)
She is a perverted incarnation of the a girl's wish for revenge. She is Neutral Evil.
Her followers simply call themselves "The Order"
They are composed of power-hungry evil-doers, most of them lunatics or bearing some kind of hateful grudge and want vengeance.
Mostly though, they're all absoloutely mad.
Her portfolio encompasses corruption, grief, madness, vengeance and pain. She offers salvation from that by revelling in it and giving in to those feelings.
Her followers believe (although most of them are mad) that she will allow them to live in piece by cleansing the world, by bringing an "enlightened" view of the world where all people will simply accept their madness...
Because of her erratic and chatotic nature though, she can not have many followers, thus dooming her to failure. This doesn't stop her trying though.
Corruption (Book of Vile Darkness - 80)
Decay (Eberron - 105)
Madness (Eberron - 107)
Mists (Ravenloft 55)
Pain (Book of Vile Darkness - 80)
Granted Power: Once per day, character can atack an object and ignore it's hardness rating.
Corruption Domain Spells
1. Doom: One subject takes -2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves and checks.
2. Blindness/Deafness: Makes subjct blind or deaf.
3. Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease.
4. Morality Undone*: Subject becomes Evil.
5. Feeblemind: Subject's Int drops to 0.
6. Pox*: One creature/level takes 1D4 Con drain.
7. Insanity: Subject suffers continuous Confusion.
8. Befoul*: LAge amounts of water become poisonous.
9. Despoil*: Kills plants, damages objects in 100ft radius/level.
Granted Power: You may use a death touch once per day. Your
death touch is a supernatural ability that produces a death effect.
You must succeed on a melee touch attack against a living creature
(using the rules for touch spells). When you touch, roll 1d6 per
cleric level you possess. If the total at least equals the creature’s
current hit points, it dies (no save).
Death Domain Spells
1 Cause Fear: One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds.
2 Death Knell: Kill dying creature and gain 1d8 temporary hp, +2
to Str, and +1 caster level.
3 Animate Dead M: Creates undead skeletons and zombies.
4 Death Ward: Grants immunity to death spells and negative
energy effects.
5 Slay Living: Touch attack kills subject.
6 Create Undead M: Create ghouls, ghasts, mummies, or mohrgs.
7 Destruction F: Kills subject and destroys remains.
8 Create Greater Undead M: Create shadows, wraiths, spectres, or
9 Wail of the Banshee: Kills one creature/level.
Decay: -
Granted Power: You may use a touch of decay once per day. Your
touch of decay is a supernatural ability that causes putrescence in organic matter and weakens inorganic matter.
You must succeed on a melee touch attack against a living creature
(using the rules for touch spells).
If you touch a living creature (including constructs with the living subtype), you deal 1D4 points of constitution damage. If you touch an undead creature, object or construct without the living suvbtype, you deal 2D6 points of damage +1 point per cleric level.
Decay Domain Spells
1. Doom : One subject takes -2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves and checks.
2. Ray of enfeeblement: Ray deals 1D6 + 1/two levels Str damage.
3. Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease.
4. Enervation: Subject gains 1D4 negative levels.
5. Blight: Withers one plant or deals 1D6/level damage to plant creature.
6. Antilife Shell: 10 ft radius field hedges out living creatures.
7. Withering Palm*: Touch attack deals 1 point Str and 1 point Con damage per two caster levels.
8. Horrid Wilting: Subject gains 2D4 negative levels.
Madness: -
Granted Power: Your insanity gives you insight. You subtract 1 from all wisdom-basd skill checks and all will saves. However, once per day, you can see and act with the clarity of true madness: Add 1/2 your level to a single wisdom-based skill check or will save. You must choose to use this benefit before the check or save is rolled.
Madness Domain Spells
1. Confusion, Lesser: One creature acts randomly for 1 round.
2. Touch of Madness*: Dazes 1 creature for 1 round/level.
3. Rage: Subject gains +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will Saves, -2 to AC.
4. Confusion: Makes subject behave oddly for 1 round/level.
5. Bolts of Bedevilment*: One ray/round, dazes for 1D3 rounds.
6. Phantasmal Killer: Fearsome Illusion kills one creature or deals 3D6 damage.
7. Insanity: Subject suffers continual Confusion
8. Maddening Scream*: Subject has -4 to AC, no shield, Reflex save on 20 only.
9. Weird: As Phantasmal Killer, but affects all within 30ft.
Mists: -
Granted Power: Once per day, you may call on the Silent Mist, a film of luminous mist that envelops your body for one round per cleric level. The form of protection granted is determined by your alignment.
Lawful Neutral: 25/+5 damage reduction vs metal weapons.
Chaotic Evil: 15/+1 damage reduction versus all physical attacks.
Neutral: +1 to all Fortitude and Reflex saves vs damaging spells.
Lawful Evil: +10 to all Will saves versus mind-affecting spells and effects.
This is a supernatural ability.
Mists Domain Spells:
1. Obscuring Mist. Fog surrounds you.
2. Fog Cloud. Fog obscures vision.
3. Gaseous Form. Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly.
4. Solid Fog. Blocks vision and slows movement.
5. Mind Fog. Subjects in fog suffer -10 Wis, Will checks.
6. Wind Walk. You and your allies turn vaporous and travel quickly.
7. Teleport without error. Mists appear and instantly transport you anywhere, with no off-target arrival.
8. Vanish. Instantly transport a touched object in a cloud of mist.
9. Imprisonment. Traps subject.
Granted power: Character converts damage that he deals in one blow per day in to healing for himself, up to 1 point of damage per level.
1. Angry Ache*: Subject takes -2 penalty on attack rolls.
2. Sadism*: For every 10HP damage caster deals, he gains + on attacks, saves and checks.
3. Wrack*: Blinds subject and renders it helpless for 1 round/level, then -2 on attacks, saves and checks for 3D10 minutes.
4. Liquid Pain*: Extracts one dose of liquid pain from tortured victim.
5. Thousand Needles*: Piercing needles deal 2d6 damage and target taes -4 penalty on attacks, saves and checks.
6. Pox*: One creature/level takes 1D4 Con drain.
7. Wave of Pain*: Stuns all within cone fo 1 round/2 levels.
8. Symbol (Pain only): Triggered Rune causes Pain.
9. Eternity of Torture*: Target is renderred helpless, ageless and has all ability scores except for Con drop to 0.
LEVEL: Assassin 1, Cleric 1, Pain 1
CASTING TIME: 1 action.
RANGE: Close (25ft + 5ft / 2 levels)
TARGET: One living creature.
DURATION: 1 minute / level
SAVING THROW: Fortitude Negates.
The caster temporarily strains the subject's muscles in a very specific way.
The subject feels a sharp pain wheneever she makes an attack. All her attack rolls have a -2 circumstance penalty for every four caster levels (max penalty -10)
Transmutation [Evil]
LEVEL: Cleric 8, Corruption 8
CASTING TIME: 1 minute
RANGE: Touch
AREA: Water in a volume of 100 ft/level by 100 ft/level by 100 ft/level (S)
DURATION: Permenant (See text)
SAVING THROW: None (See text)
The caster makes water (or other liquid) foul and mildly poisonous. All creatures with 1 HD or less that are in the water die immediatly.
Anyone drinking this water must succeed at a Fortitude save or take 1D4 points of Constitution damage.
Any creature immersed must make a save as if drinking t.
If the caster affects only part of a larger body of water, the befouled water mixes with the purer water.
If the entire body of water is no more than four times the size of the area affected, all the wter in the area is befouled 24 hours later but the damage from drinking the water or swimming in the water is only 1D2 points of Constitution damage.
If more thn four but less than twnty times, after 24 hours all of the water tastes foul.
If the entire body is larger than twenty times the affected area, the fouled water mixes with the clean water and loses all effect after 24 hours.
Material Components: A dead fish and a drop of poison.
Enchantment [Mind Affecting]
LEVEL: Madness 5
CASTING TIME: 1 standard action.
RANGE: Medium (100ft + 10 ft/level)
TARGET: Up to three creatures.
DURATION: 2 rounds/level
SAVING THROW: Will negates.
This spell empowers you with the with the ability to use three ray attacks, one per round, during a period of one round per level.
Using a ray attack is a standard action.
The ray affects one living creature, clouding his mind so that he takes no action.
The subject is dazed, not stunned, so attackers get no special advantage against him.
Transmuation [Evil]
LEVEL: Cleric 9, Corruption 9.
CASTING TIME: 1 minute.
RANGE: Touch
AREA: 100-ft/level radius.
DURATION: Instananeous
SAVING THROW: Fortiude Partial (Plants) or Fortitude Negates (Other Living Creatures)
The caster blights and corrupts a vast area of land. Plants with 1 HD or less shrivel and die and the ground cannot support such plant life ever again.
Plants with more than 1 HD mus succeed at a Fortitude Save or die.
Even those successful on their saves take 5D6 points of damage.
All living creatures in the area other than plants (and the caster) must succed on a Fortitude Save or take 1D4 points of strength damage.
Unattended objects, including structural features such as walls and doors grow brittle and lose 1 ponit of hardness (to a minimum of 0), then take 1D6 points of damage.
Only the affects of mltiple Wish or Miracle splls can undo lasting efects of this spell.
Material Components: Corpse of a freshly dead or preserved (still bloody) living creature.
Necromancy [Evil]
LEVEL: Pain 9
CASTING TIME: 1 action.
RANGE: Close (25 ft + 5ft / 2 levels)
TARGET: One creature.
DURATION: Permenant.
SAVING THROW: Fortitude Partial.
The subject's body is wisted and warped, wracked forever with excrutiating pain.
The subjct is renderred helpless but--as long as the spell continues--it is sustained and has no need for food, drink or air. The subject does not age--all the better to ensure a true eternity of unimaginable torture.
The subject takes 1 point of drain to each ability each day until all scores are reduced to 0 (except constitution, which stays at 1). The subject cannot heal or regenerate.
Lastly, the subject is completely unaware of it's surroundings, insensate to anything but the excrutiating pain.
A single fortitude saving throw is all that stands between a target and this horrible spell. However, even if the saving throw is successful, the target still feels terible (but temporary) pain. The target takes 5D6 points of damage immediatly and takes a -4 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks and ability checks for 1 round per level of caster.
LEVEL: Pain 4, Sor/Wiz 4.
RANGE: Touch
TARGET: One living creature.
DURATION: Permanent.
SAVING THROW: Fortitude negates.
Over the course of one day, the caster takes a subject already in great pain---wracked with disease, the victim if torture, or dying of a wound, for example---and captures its pain in liquid form.
This physical manifestation of agony can be used to create magic items or enhance spells (See Pain as Power in Chapter 2 of the Book of Vile Darkness).
It can also be used as a potent drug.
Focus: A jar, vial or other container for the liquid pain.
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
LEVEL: Madness 8, Wizard/Sorceror 8
CASTING TIME: 1 standard action.
RANGE: Touch
TARGET: Living creature touched.
DURATION: 1D4+1 rounds.
The subject cannot keep from screaming, gibbering and leaping about as though completely mad.
This spell makes it impossible for the subject to do anthing other than acfe about caterwauling. The Armour Class of the creature takes a -4 penalty, it suceeds on Reflex saves only on a roll of 20 and it does not benefit from any shield it may be bearing.
Enchantment [Evil, Mind-Affecting]
LEVEL: Brd 5, Clr 5, Corruption 4, Moral Hunter 4.
CASTING TIME: 1 action
RANGE: Close (25 ft + 5ft/2 levels)
TARGET: One non-evil creature.
DURATION: 10 minutes/level
SAVING THROW: Will negates
The caster turns one creature evil. The chaotic/neutral/lawful component is unchanged.
The subject retain whatever outlooks and allegiances it had before, so long as they do not conflict with the new alignment.
Otherwise, it acts with it's new selfish, bloodthirsty, cruel outlook on all things.
For example, a fighter may not immediatly turn on her companion for no apparent reason, particularly in the middle of a combat on the same side, but she might try and steal the companion's bag of gems, even using applicable spells agait her friend. She might even eventually decide to betray or attack her friend if there is some potential gain involved.
Usig this spell in conjunction with Dominate Person or Sugestion is particularl useful, because it changes what acts are against a subject's nature.
Arcane Component: A powdered holy symbol.
Necromancy [Evil]
LEVEL: Corruption 6, Druid 6, Pain 6.
CASTING TIME: 1 action
RANGE: Close (25ft + 5ft/2 levels)
TARGETS: Up to one living creature/level, no more two of which can be more than 10 ft apart.
DURATION: Instantaneous.
SAVING THROW: Fortitude Negates
Subjecttakes 1D4 points of Consitution drain, Their skin breaks out in lesions and takes on a yellow pallor.
Enchantment [Evil]
LEVEL: Assasin 3, Blckguard 3, Cleric 3, Pain 2, Sor/Wiz 2
CASTING TIME: 1 action.
RANGE: Personal
TARGET: Caster (Self)
DURATION: 1 round/level.
For every 10 points of dage the caster deals in a given round whilst under the effect of this spell, she gains a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, saving throws and skillchecks in the next round. The more damage the caster deals, the greater the luck bonus.
It's possible to get a luck bonus for multiple rounds if she deals damage in more than one round during the spell's duration.
Material Components: A leather strap that has been soaked in human blood.
Thousand Needles
Conjuration (Creation) [Evil]
Level: Pain 5, Cleric 6.
Components: V, S, M.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: Medium (100 ft + 10 ft/levels)
Target: One living creature.
Duration: 1 minute / level.
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial.
Spell Resistance: Yes.
A thousand needles surround the subject and pierce his flesh, worming through armour or any type of pretection, although creatures with damage reduction are immune to this spell.
The subject takes 2d6 points of damage immediatly and takes a -4 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skil checks and ability checks for the rest of the spell's duration.
A successful Fortitude save reduces damage to half and negates the circumstance penalty.
Material Components: A handful of needles, all of which have drawn blood.
Enchantment [Mind-Affecting]
LEVEL: Madness 2
CASTING TIME: 1 standard action
RANGE: Touch
TARGET: Creature touched
DURATION: 2 rounds/level
SAVING THROW: Will Negates
By touching one living creature, you cloud his mind so that he takes no action. The subject is dazed, not stunned, so attackers get no special advantage against him.
Necromancy [Evil]
LEVEL: Bard 6, Pain 7.
CASTING TIME: 1 action.
RANGE: Close (25ft + 5 ft / 2 levels)
AREA: Cone.
DURATION: 1 round / 2 levels.
SAVING THROW: Fortitude Negates.
All living creatures within the cone are overcome with pain and suffering.
They are stunned for the duration of the spell. A creature with no discernible anatomy is unnaffected by this spell.
Material Component: A needle.
LEVEL: Druid 7
CASTING TIME: 1 action.
RANGE: Touch
TARGET: Living Creature Touched
DURATION: Instantaneous
SAVING THROW: Fortitude Negates.
A touch from your hand causes the bosy to weaken and wither. With a successful melee touch attack, you deal 1 point of Stregth damage and 1 point of Constritution damage per two caster levels to the target. If you score a critical hit, the dmage from the hit is ability drain instead of ability damage.
Necromancy [Evil]
LEVEL: cleric 3, Mortal Hunter 3, Pain 3, Sor/Wiz 4.
CASTING TIME: 1 action.
RANGE: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels)
AREA: One humanoid creature.
DURATION: 1 round / level.
SAVING THROW: Fortitude Negates.
The subject is wracked with such pain that he doubles over and collapses.
His face and hands blister and drip fluid and his eyes cloud with blood, rendering him blind.
Fo the duration of te sell the subject is considered helpless and cannot take actions. The subject's sight returns when the spell's duration expires.
Even after the spell ends, the subject is still visibly shaken and takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, saves and checks for 3D10 minutes.
A teenage girl with jet black hair, coverred in blood, burns and scabby boils, with a knife.
A little girl with matted, oily hair and a tattered child's dress.
A beautiful young woman, naked with a lithe figure and every orifice is an abyss of black death. Mortals can be driven mad by the sight.
Notes from original: -
The most noticeable group in Silent Hill is a corrupted version of Gnostic Christianity known simply as The Order. This cult has been divided into three different sects (although still connected) with the time: the Valtiel sect, the Holy Mother sect and the Saint Ladies sect.
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